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hi everyone!! im still working on rewards, things have been slow for me as i'm still adjusting to my brain tumor treatment

but do let me know any species ides for this months Patreon base! :D



Gonna go for an unusual one, and say Dragonfly!


It's warming up here and I'm seeing lots of beautiful birds going about business so how about any bird species? I always like the darker and scruffier specifies like Crows, magpies, Ravens, etc, but Cardinals, mockingbirds, bluejays, and little song birds are plenty pleasant and would look cute in your style :3


It's Mermay, so how about something aquatic and fantasy based like an anthro (or feral!) sea dragon, kelpie, hippocampus, or even shoggoth/eldritch-like?


I think a Kangaroo would be super cute!