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hey i just really wanted to say THANK you to each and every one of you!

I've been doing well in physical therapy lately, which i've been able to afford now with help from this Patreon. I've been going 2 to 3 times a week! In tons of pain and very sore, but my range of motion and strength are getting much better. I can go up and down stairs without holding onto the rail for dear life now, and thats AMAZING for me!! (there's 3 flights of stairs in my small apartment, so it's been dangerous @_@; )

This patreon has helped me so much in getting the health care I needed, and I can't thank you guys enough. 

I hope you have a happy and safe holiday week if you are celebrating! 

Love you all,




Aahhhhh thats great kolae !! I really hope things keep getting better and i will support you as much as i can on your journey ♡♡♡