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Hi everyone, here is another preview, Gaz...

Things are progressing in a good way, working out to build some new places and characters that you will soon discover. 

I have so many good ideas that i want to add to the game for those months to come, so many new things i would like to be able to creates,  i just wish i could have more time and financial ressources to elaborate all what i want to do. We will get there soon guys!

Thanks for being there, you are amazing!





I love the way that Gaz change her look in order that Heather will possibly forgive her ( i think that is the point of this ) and she really looks awesome like this but i do hope that she will not lose her dirty look that she use to have..I agree with McFly hope that Bacon could get a "piece" of her (players option of course)..


I'm with you on this. Gaz toned things down a notch for her modest apology look but somehow still retains that edge. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the queen of punk aura she primarily rocks. I wish more creators would take a page out of the Timestamps book and put emphasis on the ever-changing styles from day to day living. Whether it's a girl putting her hair up or wearing shades, switching outfits depending on the occasion, or in this case with Gaz (simply going without lipstick), these small details add up and really help the characters feel more alive.


I like the way Gaz looks more and more. And she seems to be a figure of great depth, too :)