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Hi everyone, as you know already, we are working on the ''revamped'' version and the final part of chapter one. There is still work to be done but we are on the right track!   

While we are finalising new content, new scenes have also been added from the beginning of the game, making the next release of Timestamps a whole new experience! 

A special mention and a warm welcome to our lastest addtions to the team : Larry5168 and Mister J who bring new writing skills to our project. 

Shoutout to our amazing @taster team! 

Also a major thank to big fans that become friends @El bacca Del chew that greatly help as a consultant and @cold K'night as a Time Lord, he protects the timeline and works hard under pressure for Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey...stuff!

Every day we are getting closer to the conclusion of chapter one, be ready! 

Aesouh and Motkeyz



Motkeyz, will Bacon ever get some scenes with his 'landlady'? He's such a bro to the MC so I feel kinda bad for him not getting it on with his own 'landlady'.


Great game, enjoying it a lot. Really wish it was possible with separate storylines though, so you could focus on like Gaz or Nika lol. Obviously not realistic, but still. Any idea on when next update will be out? ;)


We try to give most character a little appearance in each release, sometimes its not possible but that my objective. Doing it separatly, how the game is build, to show a story, it will be impossible to have all Gaz storyline without Juliana one, makes no sens and will ruin the storyline.


It is planned to give bacon some love one day, dont worry, we won't forget him!