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Hi everyone, it's a matter of days until the next release is out, Aesouh is completing his magic work assembling and testing while i'm adding some animations, in between building graphics for the last release of chapter 1

As some of you are aware, we post this message on ou discord channel for those that are interested:

 We are changing our method of development and we need fans of the game to help us to test the game intensively after we post the platinum release.  We currently have our beta testers, who does a good job, but you know that no one is perfect and so rather than delaying the releases too long, we test the essentials and it is possible that details escape us, so here is the place that you fans can help...  

*Those interested in helping us finding problems, will give us the chance to develop a fix faster than ever, and make a better game for everyone!  After a release you will have 5-8 days to send us your findings.  We will take 5-8 days to look at your remarks and annotations, in order to come with the fix version in the following weeks  

Will you be part of the exclusive TASTER TEAM

We will use a special dedicated discord channel and your name will appear in the credits of the game if you want. A platinum version will be provided for the test even if you are not a platinum tier!  

We have already receive some candidates that are interested in helping us providing a better game and all this will be coordinate by the one and only @ColdArctus, that is greatly helping players on discord or multiple forum already! The name of those that propose are already in his hand right now!

 If you want to add your name to the list, visit the discord channel!

Take care and as always THANKS!





Release date coming soon?


When is 0.5.3 going to be release to the public?