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George stark nieve

Getting back to the match. I think that, if Giselle strikes the first orgasm, Faye could recover and turn the fight around, but if Giselle is the first to give up an orgasm, then Faye will overwhelm her, extracting cumload after cumload till Giselle sucumbs... what do you think??🤔🤔

Lexy Bennett

Having seen Faye in other matches, I think she could recover and turn things around for sure. This is my first time seeing Giselle, so I can't be sure. Though looking at earlier in the match again I think her being overwhelmed by orgasms is possible. She seems determined to very quickly remove herself from sexual attacks. That urgency could be a sign of weakness 😅💕

George stark nieve

Oh yeah. I have noticed that too... we ll see...😁😁😁😉😉