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Hello, I really like you art but would it be possible to have access to a lower resolution version of your pictures ? My internet speed is quite crappy, and loading 30Mb+ pictures is awfully slow


I only post 4k here but I maybe able to work something out for you , you will have to be patient tho as I will have to redo each image in lower res and save it out as a jbg for you , what particular stuff do you like ?

Martin Scholz

Yes Estella, give her udders a good shake! And watch out for the black cat's hand!

Lexy Bennett

Jada struggled hard against her attacker and managed to break to hold. This was only temporary though, as Estella was able to shift to a rear naked chokehold. She gasped, as her air was cut severely. Jada pulled wildly at the arm wrapped around her throat. She was in big trouble. Estella, saw the panic and grinned cruelly. With her free hand, she took hold of Jada's top, which was only hanging on by a few literal threads at this point. "Weak whore's like you don't deserve clothes," she jeered and then tore the light fabric away with one jerking motion. Jada's more than ample breasts bounced violently as the top was ripped away. Pressing her advantage further, Estella reached for the know fully exposed, right breast and squeezed the dark nipple in a continuation of her earlier attacks. Jada cried out in pain, but could do nothing to help her ravaged tit. She would have to endure this humiliation, as her main focus had to be the breaking of the chokehold. Increasing her struggling, she was able to get back up to her knees. In this position, she had a chance, if she could just get a grip.