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Hello there, lovely patreons! 💖 It's time for the best part of our fridays: the weekly devlog!

How was your week? We hope yours was as good as ours!! As you may know, Text Your Life will be available on Steam too!! (Windows version only). This week we worked on geting everything ready (Steam is quite... demanding when it comes to game pages 😂). But now, we are having now some problems we are trying to solve with Steam's support team, so maaaybe the game won't be released on August 26th as we said (we are so sorry! Last minute problems 😅). We'll keep you posted!! You'll be the first ones to know if things come to worst and the Steam release is delayed!

Now, let's talk about our progress! Once again, we took some more pictures for chapter 2! This time, the pictures are related to Rebeca and... some situation that will push the player and their relationship with the love interests in an... interesting way 😏 You'll see one of these pictures on chapter 2's first day 🤭 We won't say more than that!!

Here’s the progress we’ve made so far:


*Morning: 4 chats. PROGRESS: FINISHED.

*Afternoon: 2 chats. PROGRESS: FINISHED.

*Evening: 2 chats + 1 phonecall:

  • 2 chats → PROGRESS: FINISHED.


*Night: 3 chats + 1 phonecall just added

  • 1st and 2nd chats → PROGRESS: PROGRAMMING PHASE.


  • 1 phonecall → PROGRESS: NOT YET WRITTEN.

*Late night: 1 chat + 1 phonecall. PROGRESS: NOT YET WRITTEN.

As you can see, we added one more phonecall that will take place during the "night" period and, being honest, we think this call will be the funniest part of the whole day 😝 We don't want to be too spoilery because this is an important part of the story for some routes, BUT we can tell you that only some of the girls and some of the boys are involved (and some of the girls have too much... imagination 😂). We'll just say four words as a hint: "Investigating at the NeonGreen".

We are having so much fun writing every chat that we can hardly wait for you all to read it!! We want to know your opinion and read your reactions to it! Hehehe For now, to make the wait more bearable, will leave you with a small portion of the girls conversation during their chat at night! If you don't like spoilers, DON'T FOLLOW THE DOTS!! 😉

And this week's devlog ends here! Thank you so much for being there and supporting our work 🥰 Have a nice weekend y'all!!

Love ya!

Alma and Vera <3


















* The English translation might be slightly modified in the future:

REBECA: “They are MEN”

REBECA: “I’m sure they won’t even notice”

OLIVIA: “Don’t underestimate Marc, I can assure you he has already noticed by now 👀”

REBECA: “Nah, I don’t think so”

REBECA: “But let me check”

EMMA: “How the hell are you gonna check that? 😂”


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