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Welcome to the first edition of Spilling Secrets! In this section, we'll reveal the deepest and darkest secrets of Text Your Life's characters. Today, we bring juicy details on the past love life of every one of them! Does this information have anything to do with the reason why that unfortunate kiss happened that night? Let's find out!:


  • MARC:

    > He has been in four serious relationships, but none of them lasted more than four months despite his efforts.

    > He was never the one to break up, and these are the reasons his partners gave for dumping him:

    1. “Sometimes it feels like I don’t know a thing about the real you.”

    2. “Looks like your friends are more important to you than I am.”

    3. “It’s difficult to know what’s on your mind. Or who is on your mind…”

    4. “I can’t go out with someone who has such a hard time saying “I love you” back.”

    > Lucas insists all of his past girlfriends had an uncanny resemblance to… a certain someone. Marc insists he should go get his eyesight checked.

  • LUCAS:

    >  The king of one night stands. He’s never been on a comitted relationship, but his friends hope he will settle down when the right person comes along.

    >  He has never said “I love you” to anyone.

    >  Always follows his code of honor: his friend’s girls are untouchable.

    >  Due to his flirty personality, some girls mistake his flirty banter for real romantic interest in them.

    >  He likes to make things clear before spending the night with someone: no strings and no feelings attached.

    >  He fails to understand why the empty space that his flings leave in his chest only disappears in the company of a certain person. However, he tries not to dwell on the matter too much.


    >  He’s never been in a relationship, and hates the idea of one night stands.

    >  His idea of love is too romantic: he believes in eternal love and destiny, but he’ll never admit that in front of anyone (including himself).

    >  Fakes disinterest in romantic relationships, but deep down loneliness gnaws at him every time his friends talk about their partners.

    >  Too oblivious to realize when someone is openly flirting with him.

    >  The only time he’s ever made the first move with a girl was when he was seven years old: he wrote a confession letter to his deskmate. She never responded.

    >  He once had a dream where he was a superhero that saved the life of a certain damsel in distress. He has never told anyone about it, and still tries to understand why he looked like Daniel when he looked himself in the mirror right before waking up.

  • SUHO:

    >  Despite his innocent appearance, he has a lot of dating experience.

    >  He's had a girlfriend on almost every country he has lived in. He knew all those relationships would finish once he left the country, so he didn't get too invested in any of them. That way, saying goodbye wouldn't hurt too much.

    >  His relationships always ended on a good note, and still keeps in touch as friends with some of them.

    >  He has never had a girlfriend from his home country, South Korea.

    >  Likes to show his affection through actions instead of words (he gets tongue-tied when he is in the presence of someone he likes).

    >  Even though he loves travelling, he's starting to feel the need to settle down in a place where he could build a stable future. Are his new friends the cause of this change of heart? Or maybe… is there someone else to blame?


    >  He does not believe real pure love exists: he views romantic relationships as a mere transaction from which both parties can benefit somehow. At least, that's what he's learned from his family.

    >  He’s never had a girlfriend because of his lack of interest and lack of free time (never due to lack of opportunity), but he’s been in a few dates arranged by his family with the daughters of his father's "friends". However, he found all of them extremely boring and shallow.

    >  He is used to being the center of attention whenever there are females around, but he knows that kind of attention is just superficial flattery, which often puts him in a bad mood.

    >  He has never fallen in love with anyone, and sees that feeling as a weakness. But, for some strange reason, he can’t help but envy people like Daniel: those who wear their hearts on their sleeves even if they might end up hurt by others are a complete mystery to him.

    >  He might not realize it himself, but he lives romance vicariously through the relationship Daniel has with you. But there is something about you that makes him lose his cool when you are around each other. Why does his pulse race when you get close? It must be because you have the ability to get on his nerves, right?


    >  He’s only had one girlfriend in high school, many years before meeting you. Their relationship lasted three years, and ended quite badly: she cheated on him for six whole months before their break up, and he only found out thanks to one of his friends.

    >  Loves preparing romantic surprises for his partner but, unfortunately, they usually end up going terribly wrong. He still laughs to tears every time he tells you the story of how he ended up in the dolphin tank during his Valentine's Day surprise for his first girlfriend.

    >  Although his family’s idea of love is really similar to Nicholas's, Daniel feels a deep rejection of "contractual" couples.

    >  His family does not approve of your relationship, but that does not stop him from going forward with it. Luckily, Nicholas supports him in his decision, even if he does not fully understand it.

    >  He gets jealous easily as a result of his previous dating experience, but tries to hide this fact as best as he can because he knows it’s not a trait to be proud of.

    >  Although he’s never told you directly, everything he does in his life is oriented towards a single goal: building a good life and a good future for you both.

  • EMMA:

    >  She has had several relationships throughout her life, but none have lasted more than a few months.

    >  She starts every relationship with great enthusiasm and hope, but as time goes by that enthusiasm disappears and she ends up getting bored. This situation frustrates her much more than she shows.

    >  It’s difficult for her to meet boys who accept her extravagant personality, especially her sense of humor.

    >  She’s waiting for her Prince Charming to show up one day and turn her life around, but she’s starting to doubt his existence.


    >  She’s only been in one relationship in her entire life: she met her current boyfriend in high school, and they’ve been dating since then.

    >  She has never had doubts about their relationship, and has complete trust in her boyfriend. They are comitted to each other, and she even has a notebook hidden at home with a list of her favourite baby names.

    >  Marc once told you that, while shopping at the mall, he saw Olivia's boyfriend enter a jewelry store specialized in engagement rings. This information is a secret between you both.

    >  Despite having had only one relationship, she is the one with the greatest knowledge of human relationships in the group, and her advice has kept a lot of her friends out of trouble.


    >  She is allergic to commitment, so she has a different hook up every week. Her friends no longer bother to memorize the name of any of them.

    >  She has a notebook with the phone numbers of all the guys she has hooked up with, and usually makes use of it whenever she’s feeling lonely, which happens more often than she wants to admit.

    >  Talking about marriage and children makes her skin crawl, although sometimes she wonders if she is the weird one for feeling like that and not everybody else. She usually concludes in less than twenty seconds that the others are the ones who are crazy for wanting to be with the same person forever, though.

    >  Cherises the memory of the only platonic love she has ever had in her whole life: her gym teacher in elementary school.

  • NORA:

    >  She doesn't like the feeling of being tied to just one person, so all her relationships are open. Jealousy is a feeling she will never understand, and she has never felt it before. As she once said: "love should never bind our infinite souls."

    >  She has been seeing several people at the same time, with the consent of all of them.

    >  All her past and present partners are also interested in art.

    >  The oldest person she has ever dated was a man ten years older than her. Lucas had a great time making jokes about it.

  • SOFÍA:

    >  She’s a hopeless romantic, and gets easily carried away by her feelings. However, she has never confessed to anyone and has never been in a relationship.

    >  Her crush changes frequently, but her platonic love for Lucas never fully disappears.

    >  She loves romance books, games, music, movies, TV shows... which only feeds her romanticized idea of ​​relationships.

    >  Her parent’s marriage and your relationship with Daniel set and example for her, and she aspires to have a relationship like that some day.


And that's all our secret info for now! What are your thoughts about it? Was it all predictable, or is there something you found surprising?

That's it for this edition of Spilling Secrets! Until next time... and remember to keep this all between us! 🤫🤭


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