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On my patreon account I had to remove most of the material that violates the 100+ site policy, so in the very next few days (probably today) I will create a discord group for subscribers, a newsletter or something else where we can continue our communication, discussions and future work ;)



Alright👍, let us know


Right now I'm just sorting out discord, creating a server, assigning roles and hopefully everything will work today or tomorrow :o)


Shoot dude, that’s rough. What did they do to violate stuff that you know?


It turned out that most of the works violated the site's policy, so I decided to publish all materials in discord, which I had already connected to patreon and everything works. Materials will be categorized by category and month and it will be even more convenient for the community. The only inconvenience is that discord is required :)


Is there a link to the discord anywhere? If it’s where your stuff will be I’d like to hop on it asap

Totally not a chair

Seems like patreon is taking the anti-smut route like tumblr did. Hope there is some alternative that most people will take to so artists don’t have to deal with this garbage.


Yeah, you're probably right. It's good to know that it's possible to continue working, but already via discord connected to patreon. But at first, of course, I was stressed out.


You need to follow these simple steps and link your discord to patreon: 1.Log in to your Patreon account 2.Click on Settings from the left side menu 3.Click on More and then Connected Apps from the menu bar 4.Click the Connect button next to Discord under App Integrations 5.Enter the email address or phone number you use to log in with Discord and your password and click the Login button 6.Click the Authorize button 7.You've successfully linked Discord to Patreon! You may need to refresh the page