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What do you think of the continuation of the story with his sister after it became clear that she had set the whole thing up?

Or maybe other suggestions within the scope of what I usually draw?




Yes please


Are you gonna continue that other one with the VR goggles?


I just rushed a little bit with the announcements of several works at once, which caused delays, but I'll finish everything by the end of the month :o)

Aaron Farkas

Great continuation! But if the sister was involved, is she--just even bigger than Mom and able to sit on him, too? Or likely to get smooshed along with her brother in a double squashing? Or suggest that Mom go further and slide her brother inside those panties? Or--?


Thank you! :) I think she must be the same as her brother or smaller. In that case it would be easy to make a sequel and already punish her in the second part.

Aaron Farkas

Or maybe have Mom punish both at once (I'm thinking of a few Namio Harukawa drawings where the woman deals with two hapless men at the same time).


That's a good idea too, only then i have to come up with a reason why she's punishing both of them. With the daughter, it's simple - she set her brother up. But I'll think about it :)


Love this picture! Amazing as always! :) I love how big her butt is compared to his head. Great job!


Personally, I think the story could have a sequel with the daughter being larger than the mother. Let me explain 😈 … so the sister is jealous of the brother because he’s well behaved and pure. Whereas the sister isn’t, she’s a bully; but the house rule is she can’t harm the brother—which is why she planted mom’s panties in his room. So in the beginning of this story he says, “But… it was all Sarah’s doing…you know her”—trying to convince the mom that he would never do such a thing. So now in the sequel—there’s multiple consequences. 1.) While the mom is sitting on him she thinks about his story and realizes the son is probably right. 2.)The daughter is watching the mom sit on him, and is intrigued by what she’s seeing (no one knows she’s there). 3.)The mom punishes the daughter by telling her she’s grounded and can’t leave the house for a month. 4.) The brother is back in the mother’s good graces; but he knows his sister is angry. 5.) He’s suppose to go away for a month to band camp—aligning with the sister’s punishment. 6.) Just as he’s about to leave his sister intercepts him at the door and “punishes” him for snitching on her. 7.) The brother realizes he’s going to be in sister’s BOOTY camp instead. 8.) Mom and Dad wonder why their son only text them, and never answers their call. The sequel name could be “double jeopardy—WEIGHT and see”


Aaron I like that idea too. Please read my thought and let me know what you think 😉


In addition, the reverse psychology the mom mentioned of getting too much quantity of something could have an opposite effect—is exactly what happens. Being under the mom and sister changes his good/studious demeanor, and makes him obsessed with ass… which changes his life forever. And then in the 3rd series the mom could actually find him looking through her panties (now that he’s obsessed/addicted) and ASSumes he’s a liar because she knows he didn’t go to band camp. Mom’s conflicted and feels bad about punishing the sister for a month. So then mom and daughter try to fix him once and “FOR ALL.” Sorry for writing so much, hopefully you can follow what I’m saying 🤣. I’m a fan of your drawings, stories, and style.


Thanks buddy for your review :) Yeah, that can be used :) Only his sister is about the same as himself, so I think she might be suitable for punishment only as a victim. Especially since I already have the first frame ready for the sequel.


Wow! That's cool, man! :)) I'm going to have to seriously think about it now. Too bad I already drew another continuation drawing, I now want to do your version)) I think I'll set up a poll under the new story development picture.


Yeah if you already started… please disregard my idea 🤣😂🤣. I’ve always wanted to do script writing. I’m an artist as well (graphic designer, illustrator, voice-over)—I just haven’t had the time to embark on drawing for myself…rather than clients. But your stuff is great 😊


Haha… no worries man, and thank you! High compliments 🤎. Since you already started drawing this story out. Maybe what I said could be a new story in a school setting. So the same concept; but a good student vs a bad student— and the curvy professor. The professor sees “great potential” in all her students…even the bad ones. However, sadly her best student and her worst student have a bad characteristic that needs to be corrected. The good student does great academically, but thinks everything in life is too easy—so he’s distracting in class (talks too much, flirts, draws pictures during class). The bad student doesn’t pay attention either; because she thinks the class is too hard so she is a menace in class (cheating on test, shooting spit balls, sleep). The good student sits in the front of the class, and the bad student sits in the back. The professor doesn’t believe in failing anyone, and thinks both of them need the proper “guidance”—to be better people and show respect in her class. She wants to get them ready for their study’s during the fall semester. So the professor invites both of them to a summer program “abroad” all expenses paid. The student’s families think they are away learning culture; but really it’s an ASSignment to build character UNDER the professors instruction. The students are shocked when they realize they were the only two there for the summer…but the question is will they be able to “weight” it out. The story of “The good, the bad, and the WEIGHT of higher learning.”

Aaron Farkas

Neal Bridge has some great ideas about narrative, I think!


I totally agree with you :) Now I'm thinking about doing 2 alternative versions, since some of the material is almost ready)