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Here is the next part to the story:

Kim sat heavily with her 8’7, 999 pound frame on top of poor little Holly. Completely oblivious to the torture she was putting Holly through. Kim could barely feel the tiny girl under her enormous rear. She just assumed the lump must have been a pillow stuck under her ass, nothing out of the ordinary. Kim liked the feel of Holly being compressed under her weight. She shifted around and twisted her fat ass into the seat to get more comfortable, further crushing poor Holly and swallowing her up in her giant ass cheeks. Kim felt the odd sensation of Holly’s muffled cries vibrating against her hole deep within her cheeks. Kim moaned lightly and bounced a little on Holly’s tiny face. Between each bounce Kim could feel the cool breath of Holly as she sucked down the limited air trapped between her deep ass while she lightly lifted her weight up, and then the hot air of Holly’s exhale as she pressed her ass back down. Kim had never enjoyed a seat so much in her life. She more aggressively started to ride Holly's tiny body. Pressing her ass down as hard as she could. Holly was completely engulfed in the vast giantess ass of Kim. Holly knew she had to do something. The only thing she could move was her mouth so she did the only thing she could do, and aggressively started licking at Kim’s sweaty hole. The only thing separating Holly’s tongue and Kim’s pulsing asshole was the thin layer of sweat coated fabric from Kim’s running shorts. However, around Kim’s monstrous ass, they fit like a thong. 


We decided to animate this part of the story in the hope that you like it :O) I might make another animation for this part of the story. I just wanted to post it today, but only had time to do 9 frames. I will add the animation to some comics in the future. 


6.1 MB file on MEGA



Video came out great!


This is amazing! 😍 Probably my favorite video of yours so far!


It's a joy for me and it lifts my spirits, and for me as an emotional person, that's very important. Thank you! :О)


This is my favorite content that you make and you did an awesome job with this piece


Thank you so much! We will continue to work in the same direction and try to please you with new works ;)