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Now back to the story with the boy:

On one of the school days, Victoria and Michael were left on duty after school. The class attendants had to wash the blackboard, put the desks and chairs in their places, and sweep the office. It was a common practice at the local school when two students who did not get along well were left on duty. As the school psychologist said: “collective responsibility and distribution of responsibilities will help the guys first find compromises, and then mutual respect.” But in practice it didn't always work, especially with Michael, who preferred to do nothing, lounging in a chair and flipping through the news feed on his phone.

- Mike, can you put the chairs back while I sweep the floor? Victoria asked.

- Cleaning is not a man's job, remember, woman. I’ll check later when you’re done, ”he answered, defiantly throwing a candy wrapper at his feet.

- If you don’t pick up this wrapper right now, I’ll make you do it,” Victoria was seriously angry.

- I wonder how you do it? Will you beg me? Maybe you'll cry and complain to my mom? I'm doing this for your good, you need to move more and eat less, you're too fat. I'll be your school coach, you can call me Mr. Brown. So come on, move your a... - "Mr. Brown" did not finish the last words, since Victoria, like a panther, rushing from an ambush to her prey, knocked the guy off the chair and ended up on top of him.

Michael cursed like a real sailor. No persuasion worked on him, he continued to spew out streams of abuse.

- Shut up you finally! - Victoria shouted and sat down on his face with a swoop, continuing to hold his wrists with an iron grip.

Unexpectedly, his intense wrestling under her brought her into a state of intense sexual arousal. She lost control of herself, thanks to which the guy managed to free himself and jumped out of the office, promising revenge.

Victoria was lying on the floor, her heart beat distinctly in her chest and warm pleasant waves of pleasure, subsiding, swept over her whole body. It was just an echo of what might have happened if Michael hadn't pulled out of her thighs so quickly. Up to this point, she had never sat on someone's face, and with the girls in training, she used "scissors" and various holds with grips. But it was a different level, a completely different feeling. If she experienced such strong feelings with a boy who, like other boys, did not interest her, then what will happen if she does this with a girl.
