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Rhoda taking a break from the quiet board games and lasagna kind of new years party with the family and letting herself indulge in something a bit more high-end. 

And Don't worry, it's just orange juice in the second version. I promise.

Incoming sappy shit.

Honestly, despite everything, this was a great year for me. I got quite a lot done, I feel like I've improved, and I'm in a spot where I finally feel comfortable with my work and the people around me. After all that happened to me last year, it felt really good to get back on track this year. At least, for the most part. I know there were a few projects throughout the year that I didn't follow up on (yet), and I apologize for those. 

However I do want to thank everyone for all the support you've given me throughout the year. Or years, really. I've hit a couple bumps here and there but I cannot thank you guys enough for sticking with me. Every day I wake up wanting to put out good content for you. I can only hope that I've met my goal. 

It's been a pretty bonkers year with the pandemic and all, but I hope you had a decent year. Or that the scrapes and bruises you got this year will heal the next. 

In the coming year, I have a lot of things planned, (much better this time, haha), and I hope to get a handful of projects off the ground. I'll be coming up with more details on some of those in a couple days. In the meantime, enjoy this wide dog with big ol' honkers.

Happy New Years, and here's to a great 2022. 




Hope that's not wine she's got there, wouldn't want anything to happen!


Happy New Year to you too! Hopefully 2022 isn’t shit like the last two years.


Happy new year 🎉🎉🎉 May the new year bless you and everyone with health, wealth, and happiness🌹🌹🌹