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It's that time of year where everyone turns their OC's in to sharks, and I took the bait this time. I think Rhoda deserves epic teeth. 

Anyways, I'm not sure if this is like, an alternate reality, where she's always been a shark, or if she just stumbled on some magic shit. Iunno. You tell me. 

In the spirit of shark week, here's a charity you can donate to to help save sharks who are often subject to being hunted, thanks J a w s. https://www.sharks.org/donate




Love it! That's an absolutely perfect belly!


Love her new look. Maybe she can turn into other animals. Maybe even a Dragon 🐉

Loona Simp

Soooo......pregananant or full? Edit: Never mind. Actually used my brain and looked at the tags. Ignore me.


Shark week is definitely the best week of the year. <3


IT's okay, we know it takes a minute for the blood to go back up to your brain.