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Hey y’all! I was gonna type something up yesterday to thank you guys for supporting me, because I really and truly do appreciate you having such an interest in my work, but I was a little under the weather so I wasn’t exactly feeling in tip-top shape to write an essay. But I will say it now, that knowing even just a small number of people like my stuff, it gives me hope that in the future I can really make something that many more people can enjoy.

That quick note aside, I also wanted to give you guys an update on what’s going on with me and where this Patreon is going. No, no big changes this time, just giving a status check on everything I am working on!

First and foremost, the comic! “Prisoner of Fantasy” (previously known as “Hot Appointment” in the polls) is currently in the works! Still the same basic premise, though I did make a few twists and fun ideas that I hope you all will like! Right now, I am currently in the midst of designing the characters involved, sketching them out to get a feel for them, so I can finish writing this script in a way that makes sense to me. This Comic is set to begin in January of 2020. I don’t wanna shoot too far ahead, but I also plan on doing a mini comic somewhere in 2020 with the steering committee, and after PoF is finished, I plan on doing one of the other ideas presented in the polls. That is, if the comic is a success!

The ask blog is also going to be much more prominent, so be sure to leave your suggestions, those who can. Don’t be a lurker for something you’re paying for! Participate so you can be heard, and perhaps have your ideas drawn. I hope to do at least one a week, totaling to four a month. I already have some planned for December, but I need more ideas and questions to work with! Help me out here!

Requests will be done as much as possible; those will be used to determine what kind of random shit I might draw in my downtime, and what to put up for images that I might finish.

And a final note: HD Files will be compiled into Dropbox links from now on, which will expire after 30 days. This is to prevent people from mining my posts, by pledging at the highest tier, and then pulling all the content they can get. So I will post the work I do in real-time, but the actual HD files will not be in the Patreon post itself, and instead in a timed Dropbox link at the end of the month, specific to each tier.

All of that aside, I’d just like to say thanks again! I really hope we can end this year with a bang, and start 2020 on the best foot.



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