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Sorry for you waiting so long for this art, Tuesday my suspension ends, I'll be back to do more work daily for you :D




Now this, this is nice. Also I'm going to say it again. Not sure if did read my last comment I'll reiterate it at least. Do look after yourself and do the pieces you want to do. I do still apologize for sounding like an impatient shit. I just was thinking of the other time with that other person who even after I said i'd even commission the idea I had at the time, never even got back to me with his commission details for payment etc. I get he was busy but why even say "hey you could commission me" and then when I said I would, then nothing. That was disappointing. Anyways rants aside. Aside from your own requests and commissions. I do believe look at doing pieces you want to do more mate. People will enjoy it all the same cause if you end up trying to cater to everyone. You are just going to stress yourself and probably end up hating the community etc. Again apologies on my behalf.


Just an artist I tried to commission awhile back that well yeah despite saying "oh yeah ill give you my price list etc." only to then not even do that from something that started off as a request. He tried to excuse himself a few times with he was just busy and he'd give me the list in a couple of days etc. but just nothing. Eventually I gave up on the bloke but it was an experience that did leave a sour taste in my mouth.


I'm sorry about that, in my case I don't make requests because, if I make a request for a follower and I don't make it for the others, it wouldn't be fair, so I prefer to keep the requests OFF, it's not fair to give a gift to one person and not the others


just an annoying experience really hence why I was sorta thinking, hey is this happening again with my request? Clearly not the case then so that's all good. It'll come when it comes I certainly hope haha. I do agree though, requests can often give the wrong idea. Speaking of comissions though. What are your rates anyways? I figure you'll get around to the Anko suggestion/request eventually but just for potential future stuff?