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The Epic History TV Patrons have spoken, and the next video will be the conquests of Alexander the Great. It doesn't get more epic than the story of this Macedonian maniac smashing through the Persian Empire, then marching his men to the frontiers of the known world, in Afghanistan and India. This will be exciting. Production updates to follow. 




alexander the great mosaic remastered by ethicallychallenged-d8gdxkj



I can't wait to see it!


Please please please....after completing Alexander the Great's video, make a video on the rise of the Arabs (Ummayads & Abbasids) and Islam from the Arabian peninsula in 7th century AD. Also, it would be great if that video covers the civil wars within Arabia against the muslim rule of madina. Ideally, the video can explain how a bunch of illiterate backward nomadic muslim arabs ended up taking on and defeating the 2 power houses, Byzantines and Persians.


Suggestion noted! Yes, I think the Arab conquests would be an excellent topic - not sure if I can do it that soon, but definitely one for the future.