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Dear Patrons,

I am very pleased to share the premiere of Islam's 'Golden Age' - Rise of the Abbasids!

This is the first episode in a two-part series telling the story of the rise and fall of the Abbasids (roughly, 750-1250). This dynasty ruled one of history's great empires, the Caliphate, during what came to be called 'Islam's Golden Age' (a term not exactly adored by all historians, but we'll roll with it). I learned a lot making it, and I hope you will too!

I've had great help on this project from Darian Safiran of Legendarian, and Prof Antoine Burrat of the University of Maryland. Original artwork is by Marwan Musa, who created his brilliant illustrations in between his other job, which is fighting fires in the remote islands of the Philippines.

I hope you enjoy the video and look forward to comments. We're already working on the next episode of Napoleon's First Campaign - The Bridge at Arcole, which will be out in May.

Typos for Merch is in effect - first one to spot one, in English or Arabic, gets any  item from the merch store as a thank you!

Thanks again for supporting the channel, and I'll be back with Napoleon updates soon.



Islam's 'Golden Age' - Rise of the Abbasids

Patreon ad-free early access.



Can't wait to watch my Father and I enjoy your content glad to support.


As eurocentric as epichistory normally is (and thats the way I like it to be honest) its always nice to take the occasional detour and learn about some of the stuff I'm only broadly aware of.