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UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who's taken part in this, either making suggestions or showing support for others. I have read every suggestion (apologies for not being able to respond to them all!) and will be posting a poll later today for all Citizens to vote on! 

Dear Patrons, 

I hope you've all had a chance to enjoy HMS Victory Part 1.

I'm now working on Part 2, covering aspects of sailing, fighting and living aboard a large Napoleonic warship, which is about 3 weeks away.

We'll then be moving on to Napoleon's 1796 campaign in Italy, as voted for by Patreon supporters. AND I have also promised a one-off video on a Napoleonic topic, to be decided by a vote here on Patreon (Citizen tier and above). 

(For anyone suffering Napoleon-fatigue, I promise the series after this is non-Napoleonic!)

Please help me put together a shortlist for the vote, by replying to this post with suggestions for topics (but no more than 2 suggestions per Patron, please!) 

It can be anything from the Napoleonic era, which here will mean 1769 - 1821. But it must be a topic that I feel suits a single video, rather than a series (eg Egypt, Marengo, Hundred Days). I'll read all suggestions, and note which ones get the most likes. Then I will create a shortlist for us to vote on next Friday. 

Some ideas to get the ball rolling... it could be one of the battles not covered in detail in the main series (Eylau, Bailén, etc), a smaller campaign (e.g. Wellington crossing the Pyrenees), the history of a unit (e.g. the Imperial Guard) or individual (e.g. Metternich), or some other aspect of the conflict such as diplomacy, the fate of prisoners, medical care, etc. Plenty to choose from! 

I look forward to reading your suggestions, and thank you for supporting the channel!





Napoleon's reforms, please)


Maybe a bit late here, but along with the Brumaire Coup, which was almost botched, the entire sequence of the Consulate leading to the Empire would give a valuable build-up to the Austerlitz episode and could explore the fragile state of French politics with both the Directory and the Consulate struggling to find a lasting constitutional setup.