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Dear Patrons, 

I hope you've have had a chance to watch Part 3 of the History of Russia, and get acquainted with Catherine the Great, Yemelyan Pugachev et al. If not you can watch it by clicking here

Bridgeman Images recently agreed to help me out with images of the US Presidents, and with the election coming up, I thought this was too good an opportunity to miss, so I'll be working on that for the next couple of weeks. To some extent it's a strategic decision - a strong American topic, coinciding with the election, could really help grow the audience. Plus who won't be interested to learn that 8th President Martin Van Buren spoke Dutch at home, or that John Tyler, 'the Accidental President', was expelled from his own party while still in office?! As usual the video (which may or may not be in two parts) will move fast and be full of facts.

Many thanks again to you all for your continued support, and as ever, feel free to get in touch with feedback or suggestions. 





Keep up the good work! I really enjoyed all of your videos.