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Dear Patrons, 

As promised, a quick update on future plans, now that the Belisarius series is complete. 

Next up is a two-part series on the Decembrist Revolt of 1825. For those that aren't familiar with the topic, this was an ill-fated attempt by Russian army officers (many of them veterans of the war against Napoleon) to overthrow the Tsarist government in a coup d'état. It's a fascinating insight into Russian 19th century politics, as well as a dramatic and moving story. I've written the script with research assistance from Moscow, and I hope you will find it interesting. 

Then - as voted for by Patreon - a one-off special on 1848: the Year of Revolutions. Another major political event that largely stems from the Napoleonic Wars. With revolutions and uprisings from Paris to Poland, Italy and Germany, this will be a concise overview of one of the most turbulent years in European history.

Then - more Napoleon! Patreon members will be asked to vote on a short series, AND a one-off special, about the Napoleonic Wars. The  series shortlist has already been decided, and your options will be:

  • Italy 1796
  • Marengo 1800
  • Egypt 1798
  • Waterloo 1815 (Redux)

Production on the two-part series on HMS Victory also continues, and will slot in around these other releases. 

There are plans even further into the future, but I think this is enough for the time being. 

More updates soon, and thank you again for your support! 





Italy or Egypt, both are, I think, the lesser known campaigns of Napoleon