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Dear Patrons,

Quick production update and a first look at Belisarius, Rome's Last ... (haven't quite nailed  the title yet!)

Episode 1 is coming together, I hope to have it ready for a world premiere on Patreon next Thursday. The first part will set the scene for the 6th Century AD,  discuss the reformed Roman army, then get into the action with the Roman-Sassanid war of 528 - 531, and Belisarius's remarkable victory at Dara . Our hero then comes to the rescue of Emperor Justinian by  leading the slaughter of up to 30,000 rioting Roman citizens! Hard times, hard men.

Here you can see some of the original artwork commissioned for the series, some maps and my own virtual edition of Procopius's treatise on Buildings. There'll also be (modded) Total War gameplay footage for the battles.

Thanks again for your support, i hope you enjoy the weekend, and I'll be back next week with Belisarius Part 1.





It looks epic, what would be the pace of publication of the series?


Youtube started have a multi-audio function on video and I've started seeing videos having that feature. I know you have Epic History videos in Spanish and in Russians in your sister channels. Any plans to have multi-audio videos in the future?


I'll be looking into it. To be frank, it's very difficult to cover the expenses of non-English language channels if you're doing documentaries. I also know that a lot of people who are not native English speakers prefer to listen to Charles with captions than a substitute in their own language!