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Hello Patrons, 

It's been a while since the last video, but be assured that behind the scenes it's all fevered activity. I'm happy to reveal that the top-secret project will be a video about the Battle of Salamis, and should be a good one. I've spent a week brushing up on Herodotus, Aeschylus and Plutarch, as well as the latest interpretations of the battle, and will be working with a Greek 3D artist to give it something extra. 

I'll also be working on the next Napoleon video - Wagram 1809 - as the Emperor's victories become increasingly bloody, bludgeoning affairs. 

ETA for both videos is early April. 

As many of you know, EHTV videos are researched, written and animated in the time between my 'main job' making TV documentaries. It's been a busy period, but thanks to your continued support, and the channel's growth, it will be increasingly possible for me to devote more and more time to the channel. So thank you again for your support and for making this possible!

Finally, if you didn't know already, EHTV is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, posting regular nuggets of historical trivia plus random musings - be sure to follow if that's your thing!






Your hard-work & dedication is much appreciated!