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Mingshu Gate is situated in the Luojia Mountains and is a sect primarily focused on practicing spiritual arts. Unlike the innate talents of Li Yiru, the daughter of the previous head of Shu Mountain, Mingshu Gate's spiritual arts were created by their founder, Master YueXiLou. These arts emphasize the shared cultivation and communion of spiritual energy with celestial spirit beasts. Therefore, they rigorously test the disciples' innate aptitude during their practice. Those with dull potential find it challenging to form a spiritual bond with the celestial spirits, making the disciple selection process highly stringent. In addition, the founder passed down the Mingshu Sword Technique, a martial art known for its agile and nimble movements. It complements the spiritual arts and was once renowned far and wide.

Several generations later, due to unknown reasons, the sect gradually declined. The disciples dwindled, and the practice of spiritual arts waned. The current head of the sect is YueHanShan, a descendant of the sect's founder. The only remaining disciple under his tutelage is his granddaughter, YueQingShu, who is determined to revive Mingshu Gate and restore the sect to its former glory.

YueQingShu is a descendant of the founder of Mingshu Gate, Master YueXiLou, and was raised by the current sect head, YueHanShan, from a young age. Although Mingshu Gate now has only two members, YueQingShu remains steadfast in the sect's beliefs. She often ventures alone down the mountain to vanquish demons and ensure the peace and security of the region.

This story is from the game "Sword and Fairy 7."



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