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For those who want more Lupi, an exercise in writing a Kindle-sized page of Lupi-themed text, or about 300 words, sometimes using plots suggested by Discord-Tier Patrons. The story will progress one 300 word post at a time, when I have a some spare minutes and the inspiration/inclination.


The colourful glow of imperium drew Linus to the shop window, like a moth to a streetlamp.

Pearls, and lots of them!

Green, blue, red and purple, there was even a pure white one given pride of place, enthroned upon a cushioned scallop inside a reinforced glass cabinet, no less.

Without even glancing at the sign Linus slipped inside for a closer look. The door bell jingled overhead, alerting the otter proprietor tucked away at the far end to a potential customer, or else a potential thief.

Linus liked to think that, what with him being a respectable Howler and all, he could be trusted.

“Hello,” he chirped, waving at the otter.

“Look nah touch, yah?” was his reply, albeit with a nod.

Never mind then.

“I-I-I won’t touch,” Linus reassured.

The surly, burly otter returned to his newspaper, albeit laying it flat on the shop cabinet, no doubt so to he could keep a beady eye on this slightly odd blonde-furred wolf.

Stout arms swinging, Linus cast around the shop, the carpeted floor creaking underfoot, the many pearls, crystals and phials of imperium gently illuminating his cloaked body.

“Do you have m-mmm-much trouble, then?”


“With thefts,” Linus clarified, one paw spread.

Tossing Linus a funny look, possibly for his stammer, the otter licked a thumb and turned a page. “Dis is da Common, bro; ‘course we do.”

“Prefects not up to the task, eh?”

“Prefects? Hah! Never see ‘em. Nah enough o’ dem clowns around to guard a flea.”

Before Linus could again speak, the door bell jingled, announcing a small black-furred wolfess in a green blazer and white breeches.

“Linus?” she piped, paws on hips.



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