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Madou Jua-mata is a  hyena, and not just any hyena, but a Chakaa, the hyena equivalent of the  wolfen Howlers. Taught to fight and wield imperium by the great Prince  Noss himself, young Madou is stronger and wiser than a hyena his age  should be, and brave to a fault too.

Like most hyenas on the Lupine Continent, Madou strains under the crushing thumb of the all-conquering wolfkind. Unlike  most hyenas he’s determined to do something about it. To this end he  stands with Nurka and Themba as they fight to free their people from the  yoke of wolfen oppression. But just how far are they willing to go?

Name: Madou of the Jua-mata

Race: Hyena

Age: 16-17

Occupation: Chakaa and member of THORN



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