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Anniversary  montage of many characters and objects from the book. All characters  created by the author Adam Browne. The actual piece will be made  available as a print if any readers express interest.

Starting top left and sort of scanning left to right downwards...
Adal (the figure in the sky)

Themba (hyena with hammer), Arjana (hyena in black).
Tomek (wolf in yellow), Helmut (the hog in yellow).
Nurka (hyena with moth), Prince Noss (laughing), Madou (chin up) & Zozizou ('smoking').
Josef, Penny & Monty (cats on the left, top to bottom).
Werner (pig in red) and Casimir (rabbit with gun).

4 larger wolf faces from left to right - Sara, Vladimir, Amael and Meryl.
Tristan is by the train.

6 smaller wolves, top to bottom - Rafe, Janoah, Rufus, Uther, Linus and Ivan.
Other  details - At the top left is the refinery and Riddle Den, with Monty's  car. Top right is the Gelb area. The RF4 Nimbus is obvious enough, as is  the Elder Train with hints of Everdor. The imperial centipede snakes  down on the right towards some imperium.


A decade has passed since the last Howler War and the City of Lupa  stands peaceful again under the choking clouds of the Ashfall. The wild  hyenas have been conquered, the little beasts remain subdued, and the  wolf packs preserve their uneasy oligarchy thanks to the noxious power  of imperium. However, new threats fester within the Lupan Wall. There  are those who would overturn the rule of the Den Fathers, if not the  dominion of wolfkind altogether, by persuasion, murder, even genocide,  if that’s what it takes.

Imperium  Lupi is a gritty, steampunk, fantasy adventure packed with intrigue and  flexible morals. The true monsters are not the giant insects that stalk  the wild world of Erde, but the beasts who don the mask of civility to  cover their crooked convictions.

For the Republic Lupi!




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