Undead Legacy Released. (Patreon)
2018-03-16 21:36:26
- Balancing: Increased amount of sulfur and titanium, that a trader can sell, if he sells them.
- Balancing: Goldenrod and Chrysanthemum Plant material changed to Organic - can be scrapped to Organic Waste.
- Balancing: Reduced the sell price of Resin.
- Bugfix: Removed Coffee Bar from the traders item spawn list.
- Bugfix: Removed ironDoor1_v1 from loot list, because it's not supposed to be player usable/craftable.
- Bugfix: Removed Wooden Dowels from traders.
- Bugfix: Fixed Goldenrod Plant Description.
- Bugfix: Energy Drink Food gain removed.
- Bugfix: Mega Cola (Plastic bottle) Food gain removed.
- Bugfix: Oil Barrel crafting recipe cost reduced to require 300 Gasoline instead of 600.
- Bugfix: Updated Gasoline description.
- Bugfix: Fixed spelling error for Titanium Machete name.
- Bugfix: Corrected typo for Smithing Hammer Tip description.