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As some astute patrons may have noticed, I have begun posting again.  Get used to that, I've been writing a lot while on "break".

After a lot of back and forth, I've settled on writing more of the not-actually-a-dungeon-core story, and it's been given it's actual name of Apparatus Of Change.  You'll be seeing more of that around here in the future.

Additionally, chapters of The Daily Grind resume tomorrow as well.

I'll be stabilizing at ten chapters ahead on Apparatus, and at *least* five for Daily Grind, though if I can get more I will.  But those tend to be a lot longer than normal webfic chapters (like, three times longer usually, at least?  why did I decide to do this to myself?) so five is my stated goal.

After the initial posting of new content, I intend to aim for at least one Apparatus chapter a week, and exactly one Daily Grind chapter a week, with a break week every two months.  This is my *goal*, it is ambitious, and possibly stupid, so we'll see how this works out.

Finally, pricing changes.  It has been brought up to me repeatedly that it's kind of a mess having different tiers for different stories, especially when some of those stories are more popular than others and paradoxically cheaper.  I will, from now on, be taking the advice of my peers and just having one singular $5 tier that gets a patron early access to everything.  No muss, no fuss, you give me the money, you get the words.

And actually finally... thank you.  I say this a lot, but thank you all for being here.  You've all turned my hobby into my job, and I get to share stories with you and still make enough to eat, and I couldn't be more grateful.  And I hope you all like what comes next.


Christopher Walls

Welcome back! I'm greatly enjoying Apparatus of Change, and eagerly awaiting the next installments of that. TDG is always welcome, as well. I hope you're doing well, and don't let yourself get burnt out.


Worth every penny. Glad to see you back posting again.