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So.  It took me a while to go through the number of votes, because patreon is kinda weird about how it shows them and I wanted to make sure I counted right.  You see, a number of people give me money in other ways, and they also got votes on this, so it took a little while to make sure that I was actually, you know, counting your votes properly.

With all the votes totaled, here is where we sit.

Travels, with 15.  This kinda surprised me.  I didn't think it was bad or anything, but I wasn't sure anyone would actually be that interested.  I may revisit this as an occasional pallet cleanser or something.

Dungeon Core For President with 43.   I need to rename this.  The title was what got me to start writing it, but it doesn't really properly define it.

And finally, Preapproved Fate, with... also 43.

So.  Uh.

I'm not gonna lie, I don't really know what to do about this?   Like, personally, I have a preference on what I'd write.  But there's also the option to do a runoff vote, or to just write both but slower, or a bunch of other ideas.  And as I am finding this somewhat overwhelming, I'm gonna take a few days to try to sort out what I actually want to do here.    Work through the anxiety I've had going on lately, do some more writing, and then make a decision.

Obviously, if anyone has any suggestions or comments, here's a good place for them.  Thanks, as always, for everyone's support.



Honestly travels didnt grab me immediately. So i didnt read the rest or vote for it. I briefly looked at the other chapters and saw they all started with the same words which further turned me off.


Write the one I voted for!! ;p But seriously, if you've got your own preference between the two, go for it. And Travel's felt more like something you'd put in an art gallery and go and admire every now and then while you spent most of your spare time actually at the ballgame with D-Core/P-Fate.

Flaming Cat

Write your preference


Haha, this is beautiful. I think that Travels is perfect for a palette cleanser or a meditative sort of thing.


I think it might make sense to write whatever you’re more comfortable with!

Jesters Ghost

I voted and commented then, so I'm not going to say any more on what I think you should write. You are talented, I will likely enjoy whatever it is you select, so yeah, I'm gonna go reiterate what others have said: write what you think you'll enjoy.


As others have said, write the thing you want to write most. Happier authors make better stories.


I think the dungeon core story is more likely to be commercially successful. (But not as successful as werewolf porn.)


I think you should add another higher tier. You should do this anyway, the main reason I subscribe is to make sure an author has enough money to hopefully keep writing, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. If it makes you feel better you could make the 2 you don’t focus on palate cleanser stories and put them behind that tier until e.g a given arc is complete.


Do what you want to do.