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Astute readers who aren’t completely lost in the timeless void that is modern living may have noticed I didn’t post a new chapter last week. I apologize for this. At some point, I managed to injure myself badly enough that I’ve been basically stuck in bed for the last who-knows-how-long.

At first, I thought this would be a good time to get some writing in. But it turns out, when you can’t sit up without inducing nausea, that’s not super likely. Everything I was writing was coming out as unconnected gibberish. And I mean more than normal.

Anyway, again, sorry for the radio silence. I will try to start book three this Saturday and pretend everything is normal, but depending on how things go, I may need to take an extra week.


John Fiala

Take your time, get better.


Healing takes time. Stay safe and swift recovery.