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So hey, there's some kind of weird "outside" thing going on.  Now, I normally don't go outside, which is good, because it means I'm basically immune to spontaneous pandemics.  But it turns out, my partner *does* go outside.  And lately, life has gotten a hell of a lot more stressful what with quarantine procedures, hospital visits, and waiting for test results.  Basically, what I'm trying to say is, "chapter might be late."  But I also want you all to know the chapter, while it might be late, *is* coming.  In stolen moments, I'm putting together this behemoth of a delve, and I look forward to sharing it with you all.

That said; there is some *shit* going down, friends.  So stay safe out there.  It's a lot harder to fight a disease than it is a stuffed shirt.



Take however long you need. The story is worth the wait.


Has anyone TRIED punching the virus yet?