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Hello everyone

It's been a while since I've posted anything, and I just wanted to give a small update on what's been going on.  Mostly, I've been doing non-creative stuff, like starting a new job or getting my car repaired.  Those mundane, kinda crappy things, that let me keep the lights on and not be hungry, but also don't generate content like I wish they did.  It's been a really hard few weeks, and I know that I haven't posted any new chapters for either of my main stories, so I wanted to apologize.  I also don't know when the next chapter for The Daily Grind will be done either, and I wouldn't blame anyone that wanted to suspend or cancel their subscription to me.

The sad thing is, as much as I wish it were, writing isn't full time for me.  I'd love nothing more than to be pumping out fiction for you guys, along with some other passion projects of mine like some print-and-play board game ideas.  But in reality, I've just not had the energy to do any really good work after coming home from a shift at work.  Frankly, after work, the act of making dinner feels like a herculean task, and some nights I'm proud of myself for even working up the motivation to take my shoes off before slumping onto the couch.

I don't intend to let either The Daily Grind, or Draw of the Unknown, lie fallow forever.  I'm hoping to get into a comfortable routine, and a more financially stable place, in a couple weeks to a month, and drop my stress down to the point that writing well is an option again.  But I don't expect anyone to keep throwing money at me in the meantime.

Your money so far has helped me immensely, though.  You guys have kept me out of homelessness twice now, and I owe you a lot for that.  I hope to be able to repay you with some quality work in the near future.  More chapters, more short stories, more writing prompt ideas, and maybe some of my other not-written-fiction projects as well.

Until then, thanks for everything so far, and I understand if anyone wants to stop paying into the starving artist fund for a while.




Hey Argus, I just wanted to send in a comment to encourage you not too worry too much about this. I've seen a few other indie authors who, like you, are producing some wonderful and entertaining stories that I love that end up in bad spots. They get into this head space where they get Patreon guilt, and it becomes such a weight that they end up constantly agonizing and a couple times I've seen them shut down on Patreon completely. YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT! Seriously. Just do you, and know that we are supporting you and just want to have a fun experience along with a great author. I would encourage you to just stay in a positive space and we'll enjoy the ride however long it takes.


Your good argus.