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Hello to everyone who's been supporting me!

First off, I'd like to throw another 'thank you' at you guys. I've said it a few times, but really, the support is so important to me, I feel like I should repeat it at least once.

Now, on to the meat of things.  Starting today, I'll be releasing audiobook versions of The Daily Grind.  If you are a patron, and you think this sounds cool, then I've got good news!  You can have it a month before public release!

The first two chapters will be for any patrons.  After that, it will move to the $5 level.  If you are currently donating that much anyway, you'll still need to change your pledge to the new level at some point in the next three weeks if you want to continue getting the audio files early after that.

This was always something I wanted to do, and it just seems like a small extra way to show you guys how much I appreciate you for your help by sharing it with you early.


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