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I haven't posted any builds for a long time now due to previous issues with itch. Update isn't ready yet, but it's being actively worked on - should take me couple more weeks. I decided to let you try out some of the things that already got implemented:

Main changes in this Work In Progress build:

- Overhauled downstairs serving. Use your mouse wheel to select tray-slots and try to memorize which customer ordered what, because they won't be happy to get served the wrong drink. Will be expanded even more in a full v0.1.1
- New type of clients - middle class. They should give more tips. Will be expanded more in a full version.

- Flashing a specific client now increases the chance of being grabbed by them. Will be expanded.

If you've found bugs and weird things that you think aren't supposed to happen - let me know please, even just by writing it under this post!!!

Download me here... 



One thing I've noticed in this version and the previous is that clients don't pay if they are still drinking when the bar closes. It would be nice to have them tip or pay towards score, even if it's not the full amount. Also, just an idea - what if flashing the same client multiple times increases the likelihood of them propositioning you?


Oh haha. The flashing thing I just recently implemented in 0.1.1 - you'll also get special visual effects on clients that have been already flashed to help you keeping track of them. The bar closure thing... will get fixed.