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Emily lay awake in bed, Tom snoring contently next to her. She’d given him a hand job as she’d teased him about what might have happened at Bill’s house. She’d given him another after first having dinner and then cuddling up for a movie on the couch. Tom had gotten frisky towards the end of the movie, so Emily had led him into the bedroom and had gotten him off again with even more crazy possible scenarios for what she’d done with Bill. None of them were anywhere near as crazy as what had actually happened. Nothing could get close to Emily fully resigning herself to letting Bill cum inside her after letting him pound his massive cock into her virgin pussy, only for him to pull out at the last second.

She felt incredibly guilty for cheating on Tom, and for not telling him the truth. She felt sick to her stomach. Yet, as she remembered the events of the day she could feel herself becoming incredibly wet, her pussy practically gushing. She hated to do it, but she decided that she would have to bring this whole adventure to an end. She loved Tom, and realised she couldn’t trust herself with Bill. He was just too dominant. If this is how she felt while laying next to her boyfriend just after cheating on him and lying to him, how could she trust herself to restrain herself when she was next alone with Bill?

With her mind made up, Emily finally felt a sense of calm, and managed to drift off to sleep.

Tom and Emily spent a quiet Sunday together, getting cleaning, studying and shopping done in the day, and then snuggling up on the couch to binge some Netflix. Neither of them mentioned the previous day, both seemingly happy for a day of normalcy. Bill seemed content for now as well, with Emily happy to note that he hadn’t text her at all. That changed the next morning, with Bill sending her a text in her first lecture.

Bill: You and your wimp bf ready for the next session?

Accompanying the text was yet another dick pic, obviously meant to entice Emily as it showed his monstrous cock towering over the hand clutching it at the base. Emily quickly turned off her screen, blushing as she looked around nervously. Luckily no one was paying her any attention. She felt herself getting turned on, unable to avoid remembering what that monster had done to her virgin pussy while only going in halfway. She tried to put the image out of her head and turn her mind back to the lecture. She was mostly successful, managing to parse most of the information from the dense slides the lecturer was flashing up on the projector as she talked through syllabus points at a rapid pace.

Emily’s mind returned to the text after the lecture. She considered texting Bill back and telling him that she was ending the arrangement, but decided it was best just to ignore him for the time being, not sure how he would react. He could text her all he wanted, her mind was made up.

That night she gave Tom another treat, teasing him before dragging him into the bedroom for a handjob. Seeing how turned on Tom got as she teased him made her feel much less guilty. She decided to not tell him that she wanted to end the arrangement with Bill just yet, so she could keep the fantasy going.

“I definitely prefer jerking you off than Bill,” Emily said matter of factly as she worked his cock.

Tom looked down at her in surprise. “Well, I guess that’s good, seeing as I’m your boyfriend,” he replied with uncertainty.

“Yeah, he’s so much harder to jerk off because he’s sooo much bigger than you. I have to use both hands with him and move my arms so far up and down, while with you I can basically just use two fingers,” she continued candidly. She demonstrated by removing the rest of her fingers from his cock and just stroking him with her index finger and thumb. Tom let out a groan of arousal, almost believing Emily’s exaggerations of how small his penis was.

“Plus, giving Bill a handjob gets me way too horny! Which is really bad if I want to make sure I stay in control and remain a virgin until we get married. While with you I barely get turned on at all, especially when you cum super quick,” Emily said, maintaining a straight face. “Actually, now that I think about it, when I do finally get Bill to cum it’s so much more rewarding, especially because he cums so much more than you. Hmm, maybe I do prefer him, even if I have to listen to him say all those awful things about me the whole time.”

Tom grunted and his hips bucked as he suddenly came despite Emily still only servicing him with two fingers. Emily finally broke character and giggled happily. “Wow babe, you liked that, huh?” Tom could only nod his head in reply. Emily jumped up and grabbed an old towel to clean up. She then snuggled into Tom’s body and they both fell into a relaxed sleep, Emily nestled in Tom’s arms.

Bill continued to message Emily a few more times throughout the week, including another two dick pics. By Thursday, Emily was a little tempted to go back on her decision and ask Tom if he was ready for the next session. She instantly felt guilty again, remembering how little control she’d had over herself last time, and her resolve only grew stronger.

When he texted her again on Friday she almost didn’t bother to read it. Boredom and curiosity got the better of her as she sat by herself for lunch however, so she opened the message.

Bill: I was going to ask you in person, but seeing as you’re playing hard to get, I guess I’ll have to ask you via text. I’m hosting a poker game here on Saturday and thought you might enjoy the chance to show off your slutty body in a skimpy outfit to a few of my friends and serve us drinks for the night

Emily almost moaned out loud as she read the text. The thought of putting herself on display to a bunch of Bill’s most likely equally gross friends sounded unbelievably exciting. But what if it got out of hand? With multiple horny old pervs there she could only imagine how quickly she could lose control of the situation. She imagined them aggressively ripping the clothes off her body, and then forcing themselves on her one by one, as she was forced to orgasm over and over again as they shot their cum deep inside her. She’d be left naked and battered, covered in the cum of multiple men. Emily felt a noticeable wetness between her legs and was suddenly overcome with guilt. She went to go and delete the message straight away to get it out of her mind when another text came in.

Bill: Also, if that moron of a boyfriend wants to watch I can set up a camera so he can stream the whole thing

Emily swore under her breath. That might actually make this work. There was no way Bill would let anything get out of hand if he knew Tom was watching. Maybe this could be the one last thing she did before she called it quits. Although, if she made an exception for this then she might just keep making exceptions. Maybe it was just better to quit cold turkey. She couldn’t make up her mind, so instead left the message on her phone for the time being.

Emily still couldn’t make up her mind on whether to ask Tom about Bill’s offer by the time she got home. As they sat eating dinner, Tom noticed her distracted state, his brow crinkling in worry as he watched her staring off into the distance. ”You alright sweety?” he asked.

Emily startled slightly, blushing slightly. “Oh umm yeah, just thinking about something my lecturer said.” She quickly shovelled another mouthful of food into her mouth. She was annoyed at herself for getting so worked up over Bill and his stupid request! She really should just stick with her original resolution and keep ignoring him. But Tom would get such a kick out of watching her parade her body in front of multiple old men for an entire night. Suddenly Emily had an idea. If it was Tom she was thinking about doing this for, then she’d leave it fully in his hands, without having to break her promise of ignoring Bill.

Before getting in the shower after dinner, she first adjusted the settings on her phone so the screen wouldn’t timeout and lock the phone, and then left it turned on on the table. She then had a nice long shower. She eventually got out half an hour later, took plenty of time drying herself, before finally getting dressed and going to check on her phone.

She found it switched off where she’d left it. It wouldn’t have turned itself off, so that meant that Tom must have at least touched it. She picked it up and wandered over to join Tom on the couch where he was watching a nature documentary. “Hey babe, what are you watching?” she asked casually.

“Oh, just a new one about rainforests,” he answered, glancing over at her briefly. Emily waited for him to bring up the text from Bill, but he didn't say anything further. Damn, maybe he hadn’t looked, she thought to herself. Whatever, she shouldn’t even be upset, at least now she could stick to her decision.

A little dismayed, and a little annoyed at herself for being dismayed, she plonked herself onto the other side of the couch and put her feet in Tom’s lap. “Massage please!” she said in a pretend petulant voice.

Tom rolled his eyes and grumbled a token protest, but still got to work massaging her feet, a slight smile on his face. Emily gave him a big grin in return, and they both laughed. Emily turned her attention to the doco, letting out an occasional appreciative moan at Tom’s handiwork.

Soon she grew bored of the show and turned on her phone. She wasn’t surprised to see a new text from Bill. She opened it, intent now on deleting it alongside all the other ones.

Bill: That’s a good little slut, I knew you couldn’t turn down the chance to be a stupid whore in front of multiple guys!

What the hell! She scrolled up and was surprised to see a text from her to Bill from thirty minutes ago.

Emily: I’m in!

Emily was shocked, Tom had messaged Bill back on her behalf! She was now locked into going to Bill’s poker party. She couldn’t believe that Tom, who never made any decisions without checking with her first, who couldn’t even pretend to be dominant in bed, had just made the decision for her to go act like a slut for Bill, the man she’d just cheated on him with! And his friends! The first time he’s assertive and it’s to get her to wear a skimpy costume and be at the beck and call of a bunch of old men. Tom’s eagerness to push her back into Bill’s greedy hands was definitely making Emily start to feel a little less guilty.

She looked up at Tom. “Hey Tom, did you message Bill on my phone?”

He looked back at her, sheepishly lowering his gaze. “Umm yeah, I did. Was that alright? I can call him and cancel if you want?” He looked up at her, only to find her looking distractedly at her phone, another text from Bill having just come in.

Bill: I’ll let you pick out what you wear, but make sure it’s slutty enough or I might just make you spend the whole night in the nude.

Emily’s face flushed with arousal. Maybe she should just wear a baggy tracksuit over to Bill’s house and then get made to go completely naked for the whole time. She squirmed in arousal at the thought of being forced to strip naked straight away, before even being introduced to any of Bill’s friends. It would be so humiliating, but there was no denying it turned her on.

She looked back up at Tom and saw his worried expression. “Oh umm no, that’s fine sweety, I’ll go if you want me to.” She suddenly had a thought. “Oh, but only if you take me to go shopping for an outfit tomorrow!” Being made to get naked would have been hot, but getting Tom to buy an outfit just for the enjoyment of other guys was even hotter, and she was sure Tom would get a kick out of it as well.

“Sure!” Tome eagerly replied, excited for Emily’s uncharacteristic eagerness to have him spend money on her.

“So, what are you going to buy for me to show off to Bill? Some expensive lingerie? A new swimsuit from an exorbitantly priced brand that barely covers me? Maybe a flimsy designer dress that I can wear with nothing underneath?”

Tom looked at her with a mixture of arousal and worry that Emily found strangely arousing. He made to crawl over to her, but she held him back with her feet. “Uhuh, I think you better save yourself for tomorrow,” Emily said with a smirk.

Tom groaned, a hint of desperation joining the arousal and worry in his eyes.

They got an early start the next morning, having a quick breakfast before getting in the car for the one hour drive to the shopping centre in the neighbouring city. It had a much better range of luxury brand stores, so they’d decided that they would have more luck finding something appropriate there than the department stores in their town. They parked in the multistory parking and made their way into the climate controlled interior of the shopping centre, both with a nervous excitement.

Emily wore some baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt, mostly hiding her sexy figure. Tom was somewhat disappointed at the unassuming outfit, although it also raised his excitement at the thought that he was about to get to see her try on a bunch of daring outfits.

The first shop they tried was an upmarket surf shop. Emily tried on several of their more showy bikini sets, but while they all looked hot on her shapely body, none of them fit Bill’s request for something ‘slutty’. She kept looking through the racks, and eventually found a string bikini with very small triangles to cover her privates. She pulled it off the rack and showed it to Tom. He gulped and nodded his head. She turned the price tag over and her eyes bulged. “Oh wow, looks like the less material there is the more it costs!” she said with a stunned laugh.”Oh well, I guess I’m not the one paying for it.” She smirked and raised her eyebrow at Tom. She enjoyed the conflicted look on his face, as he thought about how he was about to spend a bunch of money on an outfit, just so four old men could enjoy her body in it.

She strode around the corner to the changing rooms and walked into one, closing the door behind her. Tom waited outside, awkwardly trying to hide his boner in case anyone else walked in.

After a minute the door opened and out stepped Emily. Her face was red with embarrassment, and she looked around nervously to make sure no one else was in the changing area before looking at Tom.

“Wow,” Tom said, slack jawed. The two triangles of the top only covered an area slightly larger than her areolas, leaving her breasts bare on all sides. The front of the bottoms was narrow and only covered up to about a centimetre above the top of Emily’s slit. She gave Tom an embarrassed grin and turned to show him the back, which consisted of only two thin strings holding up the top, and a string appearing out of her round ass cheeks to meet the final string that sat on her hips. Tom admired Emily’s perfect figure, the two layers of tan lines from her recent change in outfits only making her look hotter.

Emily turned back to face him, her face still glowing with embarrassment at being almost naked in public. “So, do you like it?”

“Yeah! Babe, you look incredible!”

Emily’s face broke into a grin at the compliment. “You don’t think it’s a bit much? Bill’s friends will think I’m a total slut.”

”Oh, umm yeah, but that’s kind of the point, right?”

Emily giggled. “Oh yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Well then, I guess you should get changed back into your clothes and then we can go buy it,” Tom said almost reluctantly as he drank in her body.

“What? You don’t want to stand there admiring me a little longer?” Emily teased, turning and bending herself to give Tom a better look at her body in the revealing suit. “Also, are you sure you want to buy it already? Don’t we want to go to a few different stores and try stuff on?”

“I reckon we buy it anyway, I’m sure we’ll get a chance at some point to get you to wear it in front of Bill even if we go with another outfit for tonight,” Tom said somewhat distractedly as he watched Emily’s show. Emily felt a tingle travel down her spine at hearing Tom say exactly what they were buying these clothes for. Or, more specifically, who.

Just then another couple walked around the corner. Emily’s head snapped around to them and she saw they were fashionably dressed, and probably in their late forties, before she shrieked and jumped back into her changing cubicle, slamming the door. Tom looked over at them and they all shared a chuckle at Emily’s antics. Tom couldn’t help but get excited as he realised yet another guy had seen Emily almost naked. He was forced to put his hands in his pockets and stand in an awkward position to hide his boner.

It wasn’t too long before Emily reappeared, dressed back in her regular outfit. They left the changing rooms, Emily blushing as she walked past the man who now stood outside a cubicle waiting for his partner to change. He chuckled slightly and gave Tom a grin. Tom gave him a grin back as he walked past.

They headed to the front of the store and Emily timidly placed the tiny bikini onto the counter. The girl behind the counter remained very professional, despite Emily’s bright red face. She placed the bikini in a bag and Tom paid with his card. The bikini now safely out of sight in the bag, Emily’s face returned to its normal shade, and Tom and Emily strolled through the shopping centre, on the lookout for another suitable store.

They passed the entrance of a fast fashion store when something caught Emily’s eye.

“Wait up Tom, I want to have a look in here.”

“You sure? None of these clothes are really… ‘slutty’”

“Just wait, you’ll see.”

She dragged Tom into the store and grabbed a few items off the shelf before leading him to the changing rooms at the back. After a minute she poked her head through the curtains, looked around to make sure no one else was around, and then stepped out to reveal the outfit. She had bright yellow booty shorts and a white crop top with a buttoned collar. The buttons were all undone, making the already low cut neckline downright scandalous. The top ended only a few centimetres under her breasts, leaving almost her entire toned midriff exposed. Under the top she wore a push-up bra, creating a stupendous amount of cleavage. All the items were at least a size too small, the shorts probably two, leaving an incredible amount of jiggly flesh squeezing its way out from under the edges of the outfit. The tightness of the top caused her nipples to very obviously poke out, even through the bra, and the shorts were wedged deep into her pussy. She turned around to show Tom her bum basically devouring the shorts, with half her cheeks hanging out and the other half clearly defined, with the middle of the shorts disappearing deep between her cheeks.

All in all, she looked like a porn version of a Hooters waitress.

Emily wiggled her bottom at Tom before turning back around and taking in his stupefied look. “Well, looks like we’ll be buying these as well,” she said with a cheeky grin.

The next store that caught their attention was a retail store for a French fashion brand. They looked around for awhile, and tried on several of the more risqué dresses, but, while they showed plenty of skin, they were all too elegant looking. Still, Tom was blown away by how good Emily looked. She looked like a movie star, in fact better than most movie stars. It was like her figure was designed to be shown off in clothes like this. Tom was sure the French designers of the dresses would give their left nut to be able to have Emily model their clothes.

“Oh my god, we have to buy that one for you, you look so fucking hot,” Tom said.

“Hmm, I don’t know, it’s not exactly slutty, I don’t think Bill will like it. He’d probably make me strip naked straight away!”

“No, I mean just buy it for you and me.”

“But you know I hate you spending money on me.”

“But you’re fine with me spending money for you to get dressed up for Bill?”

“Well that’s different…”

“Ugh, fine, let's keep looking.”

They searched for a little longer and eventually found something closer to clubwear that looked like it might be more suitable. It was short, backless with a plunging neckline. They made they’re way to the changing cubicles at the back of the store and Emily got changed. As she was changing an older man wandered to the back of the store, perusing the shelves. He was within sight of the changing cubicles.

Emily opened the curtain and stepped out. The dress was even better than they had thought it would be. It was made of a flowing, black, slightly iridescent material. The top of the dress basically hung off her nipples, showing the rest of her perky tits, and plunging down most the way to her belly button. The dress ended only a little way down her thighs, and looked like it was in danger of exposing her if she made any large movements with her legs. She turned around and blushed a little as she spotted the old man trying to surreptitiously check her out. Tom meanwhile took in the sight of her naked back, the material of the dress only coming around from the sides and meeting in the middle at the top of her butt cheeks. It then stopped again right at the bottom of her butt. Tom could see the top of her cotton panties.

Emily looked back over her shoulder and saw Tom staring at her ass. “Do you reckon Bill will like it?”

“Yeah, definitely! You’ll probably have to wear it without panties though.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Emily said as she struck a few more poses, subtly taking small steps with each pose to move herself between Tom and the man. “Actually maybe I should just take them off now, so you can get an idea of how it will look.” She reached up under the dress and grabbed the sides of her panties.

“Wait honey, are you sure…” Tom said, nervously glancing at the old man, who was having a harder time keeping his looks discreet. Emily however was already pulling her panties down her legs, bending at the waist, her butt pointing towards the man. Tom gulped as he saw the man stare at Emily’s ass. He looked down at her as she stepped out of the panties, the front of the dress falling away, revealing her wobbling tits, her nipples only just remaining covered. She stood back up and grinned at Tom. He gave her a nervous smile back.

“Here, I’ll show you what Bill might be seeing if I wear this one.” She spun around and Tom looked down to see that the dress actually just revealed the very top of her butt crack. Emily began bending over again.

“Wait, Emily!” Tom hissed, thinking about what the old man was about to get a view of. Emily ignored him and continued to bend over, keeping her back arched, until she could touch the floor. She gave her ass a wiggle, causing Tom to look down and realise that the bottom of the dress had ridden up, just revealing her pussy. Tom swore under his breath, knowing that the man had gotten the same view just before. Emily stood back up and sashayed into the changing room, leaving Tom and the man suddenly staring at each other. The man’s face turned red and he hurriedly made his way to the front of the store.

'Holy shit, what have I done? Emily just flashed an old man unprompted! Is this really what I want my girlfriend to be like?’ Tom thought to himself. He looked down and noticed that he was rock hard again. That was just because he saw Emily in that dress right? Just then Emily exited the changing cubicle. She pressed herself up against Tom, tilting her hips into him.

“Mmm, feels like someone enjoyed having their girlfriend show off to an old man. Hmm, maybe I should have offered to give him a blow job in the changing room?” She didn’t give him time to reply, striding off, trailing her hand across his chest.

Tom adjusted himself and willed his boner down before following her to the front of the store. The dress was already bagged and she was chatting to the man behind the counter as they waited for Tom to scan his card. He quickly pulled out his wallet and paid, trying not to let his surprise at the $450 price tag show. He had the money, but this was probably more money in one purchase than Emily had let him spend on her in their whole relationship.

“Do you think we have enough outfits yet? Ready to head home?” Tom asked as they left the shop, keen to get home and hopefully get Emily to give him some relief.

“How about one more shop?” Emily asked, looking at Tom with big eyes and a hopeful smile.

Tom rolled his eyes. “Fine, one more shop.” Emily practically jumped with joy and quickly led the way. Tom couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to be able to finally spend money to make Emily happy, though he wasn’t sure if he would rather it was under different circumstances.

Emily checked the map at an info kiosk before quickly striding off towards her goal. Tom hurried after her, wondering where they were headed.

Emily came to a stop outside a high end lingerie shop. The interior was painted with dark colours and was moodily lit. Emily turned to face Tom, a nervous look on her face. Tom gave her a questioning look, not sure why she suddenly seemed worried when she had seemed to be getting more and more confident as the day went on.

“Hey baby, I’ve got an idea…” Emily began before trailing off.

“Umm ok, what is it?” Tom asked, still confused.

“How about we pretend we aren’t together, and then I can find a guy and ask him to help me to choose what to buy out of what I try on for him?”

“Wait, so you’ll model everything for him?” Tom asked worriedly.

“Yeah, but you can just pretend to be browsing nearby, so you can watch as well and stop me at any time if you want to.”

Tom took a moment to think over Emily’s proposal. She decided to take the initiative and pushed him towards the stationary store opposite them. “Ok, you pretend to look around in there for a couple of minutes before following me in,” she said before quickly walking off in the other direction and entering the lingerie shop.

“Wait!” Tom called, but Emily didn’t appear to hear him. Tom was annoyed at Emily for not seeming to care about his input, but at the same time his boner was back and he couldn’t deny being excited to see Emily teasing yet another guy.

He distractedly browsed the display of cards at the front of the store. He had no idea how much time had passed, but his nerves couldn’t hold any longer. He walked across the concourse to the lingerie store. He browsed at the front, casually glancing around to try and spot Emily. Eventually he spotted her towards the back of the store, casually browsing by herself.

Tom continued to observe Emily out of the corner of his eye for several minutes, slowly making his way towards her as he absentmindedly perused the racks. He noted that Emily herself was trying to casually observe as well, in her case watching the two men in the store who appeared to be there on their own. There was a younger guy, maybe late 20’s, attractive with longer blond hair, who was on the opposite side of the store to Tom, and an older guy, late 50’s, a little portly but in a nice suit with short, tidy black hair, who was looking through a rack near Tom.

Suddenly Emily made a move. Tom had to resist the urge to stare at her as she approached the black haired man, continuing to browse as he kept her in the corner of his eye. “Umm, excuse me,” Emily said, looking down at her feet, “would you maybe be able to help me pick out what I should buy?”

“Oh, uum, sure,” the man replied, looking a little bewildered. “Do you want me to just help you pick out some stuff off the shelf?”

“Umm, I was thinking that maybe you could tell me how it looks when I try it on?”

“I don’t know, I’m sure you’d look good in just about anything anyway!”

“Please! I really want to look good.”

“Ok, fine, I’ll help. Who’s the lucky guy? Your boyfriend?”

“Umm no, just some guy.”

“Aha, well, I’m sure he’s going to be stoked if you’re putting in this much effort! So, how do you want to do this? Do you already have some stuff picked out?”

“No, I have no idea! I thought you could just pick out whatever you think will look good and I’ll try it on so you can tell me what you think.”

They began looking and pretty quickly the man pulled out a pretty modest set of bra and panties. “How about this one?”

“Sure! You’re in charge!” Emily said, taking them from him and holding them up to inspect them, looking ever so slightly disappointed.

“Oh, actually,” he said, quickly looking through the rack and pulling out another set. “I changed my mind, I don’t think those ones will suit you. How about these?” Emily swapped him and held up the new pair. They were a slightly skimpier cut, and made of a lacy material.

“Ok! These look great!” Emily began leading the way to the changing rooms.

Tom cursed. The changing rooms were up the back in the opposite corner to where Tom was. He slowly began to make his way towards them, continuing to look at racks as he went. Just then he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a text from Emily.

Emily: Go to toilet cubicle and vid call me

Tom looked over to where Emily and the man had disappeared around the corner, back to his phone and then quickly headed for the store entrance. He was a little worried about leaving Emily alone with him, but he trusted Emily, they were in public, and the man didn’t seem too pushy. Also, Tom was kind of glad to get some privacy as he watched what happened, he was already struggling to hide his boner.

He quickly made his way to the nearest toilet, sat down in a cubicle and called Emily. She answered immediately. She was already undressed and was wearing the panties from the set. She held her finger to her lips to tell him to remain silent, her other arm doing its best to cover her bare breasts. “I’m just putting you on mute just in case,” she whispered, “just hang up and call me again if you need to.” Tom gave her a thumbs up. She positioned the phone on the bench, leaning it up against something, and then mostly covered it with her shirt, making sure the camera remained uncovered.

She then grabbed the bra of the hanger and put it on, her back to the phone. She looked over and did a quick spin for the camera. Tom could see that the lacy material wasn’t particularly see through, and there were subtle bits of extra material sewn in to protect the wearer's modesty. Yet again, she looked incredible. Her tits filled out the cups of the bra, giving her some very nice cleavage, and her ass ate up the material of the panties. Emily gave Tom a wink and then turned and grabbed the latch on the door.

She opened it up partially, stuck her head through and looked around.

“Ok, you ready to see it?” Tom heard Emily ask nervously.

“Yep!” the man replied.

She slowly opened the door, revealing the man standing outside. He stood in silence for a moment, looking her up and down.

“Wow, you, uh, it… Ahem, it looks great!”

Emily turned around for him, arching her back and thrusting her butt out towards him, making his eyes widen as he saw her round ass with the panties disappearing into her butt crack.

“Yeah, I think I like it,” Emily said. “Are you sure it’s sexy enough though? How about we try a few more? I can wait here and you go and grab something else for me.”

“Uh, sure, what do you want?”

“Whatever you want! Remember, you’re in charge, so just whatever you think is sexy!”

“Ok, sure!” the man replied, a little more eager now. He gave Emily one last look up and down as she stood demurely before him before walking off. Emily closed the door and turned back to the phone. She gave Tom a big grin, her cheeks rosy with excitement.

She reached behind and unclasped the bra, clutching it to her chest before it fell off. She gave Tom a smirk before turning her back to him. She dropped the bra onto the bench. She looked over her shoulder and gave Tom another cheeky look before running her hands down her sides and grabbing the sides of the panties. Tom groaned. She wasn’t actually going to let the man see her fully naked when he brought her the next outfit, was she?

Emily continued to toy with the panties, pulling them partway down her ass before pulling them back up. She had them halfway down her round, sculpted cheeks when there was a careful knock on the door. She swiftly pulled the panties down her thighs and let them drop to the ground, before kicking them to the side. She then stepped up to the door and opened it part way again. She had most of her body hidden behind the door, but the man would be able to clearly see that Emily was naked. Tom couldn’t tell if her nipple would be visible, but he hoped she was far enough behind the door to keep it out of sight.

“So, what did you get me?”

“Umm, actually, I might just go pick something else out, I don’t think this will suit you…” the man said, obviously having lost his nerve on the walk back to the changing rooms.

“No wait! I’m sure it will be great,” Emily said, quickly leaning out to grab the outfit. Tom gave a startled squeak. There was no way her nipple was covered now, and her pussy probably wasn’t either! He breathed a sigh of relief as she retreated behind the door again.

The relief was short-lived however. In her hand was a very see-through looking piece of fabric. It looked larger than a bra or panties.

“Ok, just give me a second to change, then I’ll show you the results,” Emily said cheerily, then closed the door.

She unfurled the fabric and pulled it over her head. Tom saw that it was a black, extremely translucent, lace babydoll, and it did very little to conceal what was underneath. There were no panties to go with it, so he had no doubt that the man would get an almost unobstructed look at Emily’s pussy. The hem only came down to a few inches below the bottom of her butt.

Emily did a quick spin for the camera, confirming to Tom that he could indeed easily see her pussy, not that he got a particularly good look at it with the speed of the twirl and the quality of the video call. Tom couldn’t believe that another man was getting too see his girlfriends pussy, before they’d even had sex. He had to pull his cock out of his pants, the pressure becoming almost painful.

Emily opened the door wide open and presented herself to the wide eyes of the man. She had her gaze lowered and held the bottom of the dress in her hands. After letting the man burn the sight in front of him into his mind, Emily spoke up. “So what do you think?” She fidgeted with the hem of the dress, lifting it up an inch.

The man jumped out of his stupor. “Just wow! You look incredible!” he said earnestly.

“Aww, thanks!” Emily said bashfully, tugging the bottom of the dress even higher as she appeared to nervously bunch the fabric up in her hands. “You know that, umm, that an important part of clothes being sexy is how they feel. Do you want to maybe feel this and make sure it feels sexy enough?”

The man’s eyes went wide. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I really need to make sure I get the right thing.”

“Ok then, if you say so,” he said, reaching out and grabbing some of the material between his fingers.

“How does it feel against my skin?” Emily asked breathily.

The man opened his hand and placed it flat against her side. He gently rubbed the material against her smooth, youthful skin, his eyes transfixed on his hand on her body. He slowly moved his hand upwards. Tom could see Emily's body stiffen as she sharply inhaled in anticipation. She released it again in a shuddering breath and Tom could only assume that the man’s hand was now resting on her perky tit. It stayed there for a while, Tom noticing the occasional movement from his arm as he toyed with Emily’s teenage breasts. Emily let him continue for over a minute, letting out the occasional moan. She finally pulled back.

“I think that’s enough for you to get an idea, how about you go and pick one last outfit?” The man nodded, adjusted his pants and disappeared out of the doorway. Emily quickly closed it behind him and leant against, breathing heavily. After taking a moment to cool down she leant down and grabbed the phone.

“Oh my gosh babe! Did you like that? He groped my tit!”

Tom jumped, realising that he’d started to stroke his cock. He hastily pulled his hand away and started to reply, but Emily cut him off. “I’ve still got you on mute in case he comes back, so just give me a nod” Tom dutifully nodded his head. There was a knock at the door.

“That's good baby, because I think he’s back!” Emily whispered. “I wonder what he’s brought?” She quickly put the phone back down, pulled off the sheer babydoll and then threw it to the side before pulling the door open. She barely bothered hiding behind the door this time, and there was no doubt that at least one of her breasts was fully exposed. The man quickly pushed his next choice into Emily’s hands. She stepped back from the door and started to pull it on, not even bothering to close the door. The man took the opportunity to watch her through the gap. First she pulled on a small, lace bra. Next she pulled up a very small thong that completely disappeared into her generous ass cheeks.

Despite how skimpy the new outfit was, Tom was actually relieved seeing that it was at least rather opaque, keeping her private parts hidden. Emily gave the outfit some quick adjustments, tugging the bra down and the panties up a little, before opening the door fully. She gave the man a spin, which also allowed Tom to take in the front view. The panties hugged Emily’s pussy, and didn’t cover too much more than that. They were a dark satin material, while the bra was made of lace which just gave a hint of the colour of her nipples.

Emily pulled a few more poses before turning back to the man. “So, we’ve seen them all now, which one do you think I should get?”

“Umm, I’m not sure yet. I haven’t seen how these ones feel yet. I think I should maybe do that first…”

“Oh yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, I did say you were in charge!” Emily said with a giggle. She thrust her chest out towards him. He jumped into action, grabbing a breast in each hand and feeling and kneading them enthusiastically. Tom could definitely hear Emily letting out the occasional moan this time.

The man eventually stopped. “Ok, so now you’ve gotten a good feel-” Emily started before being cut off by the man.

“I better feel the panties too, seeing as they’re a different material…”

“Oh, yep, I guess you’re right,” Emily said uncertainly, looking down at the panties. The man reached forward and cupped her pussy. He kept his hand still for a moment, watching Emily for her reaction. Emily looked up, her eyes wide open with arousal. He started slowly rubbing and she looked back down. He increased his pressure and Emily stifled a moan. She placed her hand on his forearm. He wasn’t discouraged however and increased his speed and pressure. Emily leant forward and rose up on her toes. She let go of his forearm and clutched his upper arm with both hands as she leant on him, her legs getting weak. She let out a moan, unable to hold it back. She reached down and grabbed the obvious bulge in his trousers, before quickly moving onto unzipping his fly and pulling his cock out of his boxers. It was relatively big, definitely bigger than Tom’s, about 7 inches long and average girth, but nowhere near as big as Bill's genetic abnormality. Emily grabbed it and began stroking its length.

Tom couldn’t hold back any longer and grabbed his cock and began rapidly jerking off. In a matter of seconds he was cumming. After coming back down off the high he looked back at his phone. He saw Emily drop to her knees in front of the man. His mind suddenly breaking through to the surface after cumming, he panicked and quickly hung up and video called Emily. Despite how hot this all was, there was no way he was going to let some random man they didn’t know also beat him to getting a blowjob from his girlfriend!

The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Fuck! What the hell was going on?

Tom had been calling for 20 seconds, though it felt more like 20 minutes, when Emily finally answered.

“Fuck, sorry babe, didn’t hear you!” Emily said apologetically. The man was gone and the door was closed, although she was still dressed in the bra and panties. One of the bra cups was pulled down to reveal her nipple. Her panties were askew, one lip exposed. “Don’t worry, he rushed off before I could get him into my mouth. Apparently he’s married,” she said with a nervous laugh. She looked down and quickly fixed the outfit, covering herself up again. “So, are you going to come and buy these for me, I’m not sure I can put them back on the shelf in their current state.”

Tom breathed a sigh of relief, deciding to put Emily’s behaviour out of his mind for now, they could talk about that later. “Yep, I’ll be straight over!” he said, hanging up the phone and cleaning himself up before quickly walking back to the lingerie shop. He found Emily dressed back in her regular clothes, holding the three outfits. They headed up to the counter and purchased the last set, leaving the other two with the girl behind the counter. They then headed for the car, both having had enough excitement.

“Emily, were you actually going to give that guy a blowjob?” Tom asked nervously when they’d gotten onto the highway.

“Umm, I don’t know, maybe?” Emily hesitantly replied. “You hadn’t called, so you were enjoying it, weren’t you?”

Tom thought back to the intense orgasm he’d had in the bathroom. “Uhh, yeah, I guess I was. But when you didn’t answer me I got worried.”

“Well sorry, I was getting shouted at in public for being a whore and slut!”

“Oh, sorry honey, I didn’t know,” Tom said, looking over at Emily.

“It’s ok, I should have noticed the ring. Plus, it was actually kind of hot,” Emily said with a smirk. Tom raised his eyebrows in amused shock at her response, before chuckling and turning his eyes back to the road.

A silent few minutes passed before Tom turned back to Emily. “Actually, we should probably set some rules for tonight. Do you want to text them through to Bill?”

“Yeah sure, what should I say?”

“One: You have to remain dressed. Two: He has to follow his usual rules. Three: He has to make sure his guests don’t get out of hand. Four: If I call you, you have to answer straight away. Five: You have to stay on camera the whole time so I know nothing funny is going on.”

“That last one might be a little hard if I’m serving drinks and stuff. How about if I leave the camera no one else is allowed to come with me?”

“Ah yeah, sure”

“And it’s ok if they get a little handsy right? It will be weird if Bill has to give them such strict rules.”

“Fine. As long as it doesn’t get out of hand.”

“Ok cool, I’ll text them through now.”

As they neared their home they both realised they were starving, so they made a quick trip through a drive thru. By the time they’d gotten home and eaten their burgers it was getting close to time for Emily to head over to Bills.

“So, what should I wear?”

They had the three outfits laid out on the bed in front of them. Emily was wrapped in a towel, fresh from the shower

“Well, I think the lingerie you ended up getting shows a little too much.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Maybe the bikini?”

Emily felt butterflies in her stomach at the suggestion. It barely covered any more than the lingerie. “Mhm, if that’s what you want baby.”

She picked up the bikini and took it into the bathroom, closing the door behind her, returning shortly afterward dressed in the skimpy bikini. Tom’s eyes drank in her incredible assets. Emily giggled and pulled a couple of poses to best display herself. He reached out and grabbed one of her exposed ass cheeks. She playfully, but firmly, slapped his hand away.

“Hey, that’s for Bill’s hands only tonight!” she laughed. Tom drew his hand back sheepishly, his eyes wide. Emily was about to apologise until she saw the bulge in his pants. “In fact, I think you’ve seen enough of this,” she said, pulling on a long coat. “Don’t forget, I only let you buy this for me to wear for Bill, not you!”

She began applying some light makeup in the bathroom mirror, looking past her reflection to Tom sitting on the bed, enjoying the power dynamic, as well as the slightly anguished, horny look on his face. She finished up by applying some tasteful dark red lip that went well with her tanned skin, stepped into some heeled sandals and headed towards the door, adding an extra swing to her hips to give Tom one last tease.

“Hang on baby!” Tom suddenly called. “I’ve changed my mind, I think that maybe you should wear the shorts and the top.” He looked at her nervously. Emily felt her heart drop as she realised how excited she had been to wear the scandalous outfit in front of Bill and his friends. She felt herself getting angry at Tom now that he’d taken that away. She whirled around to face him and then instantly felt guilty when she saw the worried expression on his face.

“Ok, if that’s what you want!” she said, putting on a happy face. She grabbed the outfit off the bed and a pair of panties she hoped wouldn’t show through the shorts, then disappeared into the bathroom. She emerged dressed in the hotpants and the tight top, her breasts pushed up by the push up bra.

“Is that better?” she asked, a hint of her annoyance peaking through.

“Ugh, yep. You still look like an absolute wet dream.”

“Uhuh,” she said, pulling her coat on and heading for the door. Tom watched her leave with a worried look on his face. Maybe he should have left her in the bikini and happy, rather than in the less risque, yet still extremely slutty, outfit and annoyed at him. He stayed in the doorway to see her stalk across the road and up to Bill's door. She knocked and was quickly answered by Bill, who drew her into a hug against his big frame. His hand lifted her coat and grasped her half exposed ass. Tom looked around nervously, worried that someone else would be seeing this display as Bill just kept groping her. Finally he released her butt from his grip on her ass and pulled her into the house and closed the door behind her.

Tom quickly shut the door and rushed back into the bedroom, grabbed his phone and waited impatiently for the link to the livestream Emily was going to text through to him.

Emily walked grumpily across the road. She’d been so excited to head over to Bill in the ridiculous bikini, especially after the disappointment at the lingerie store. She had been picturing Bill’s reaction when she dropped the jacket, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her! But instead Tom had lost his nerve at the last second! Didn’t he trust her? She had ended up ditching the panties in her annoyance, meaning she only had the thin material of the tiny shorts protecting her pussy.

As she stepped through Bill’s gate her mind returned to the present, as well as what the rest of the night might bring. She felt a tingle deep inside her when she thought about what she was wearing as she walked up to the front door of their asshole neighbour. It might not be as slutty as the bikini, but there was no doubt it was slutty.

Next thing she knew she was at the door. She raised her hand and hesitated for just a moment before knocking. This was it, no going back now. It was only a couple of seconds before Bill answered the door. His immense frame blocked out almost all the light spilling out from the hallway. As she looked up at him Emily noticed that even his silhouette was ugly. His thick, flabby neck, shrivelled ears and bald head giving him a troll-like appearance in the harsh lighting. The idea that she gave herself, a teen girl in her absolute sexual prime, to this mythically brutish man made her pussy ache and she felt herself squeezing her legs together as she stood submissively before him.

He reached forward and pulled her in for a hug. She gave no resistance, still lost in thought about the stark contrast in their appearances. She felt him pull her jack up and envelope an entire butt cheek in one of his meaty hands. She felt her nipple harden against him at the feeling of his warm hands in contact with the unprotected skin of her ass. After the mental effort of holding herself back from texting him back all week, then the disappointment of the man rushing off at the shops, and finally Tom’s last minute change of mind about her outfit, she felt herself melt into Bill as he groped her. She let him continue for a while, enjoying the assertive sexual contact that she’d grown to enjoy. She realised where she was when she heard herself let out a moan. She pulled back, wanting to get off the front verandah before a neighbour saw them. Bill quickly pulled her inside and closed the door behind her.

“Take off the coat, let’s see if you followed my directions properly.”

Emily let go of the front of the coat and shrugged it off her shoulders. It dropped to the ground, revealing the outfit, and the vast expanses of skin not covered by it.

“Mhm, I guess it’ll do,” Bill said dismissively, though his eyes gave him away as they flicked up and down Emily’s body, taking in the sight. “Ok, pick that up,” he said, pointing to her coat lying on the floor, “and follow me.” He led her through the living and dining rooms, which she noted had been tidied up, unlike the times she had been here before, and into the kitchen, which had not been tidied. There were empty beer cans haphazardly lying on the bench and piled up in the corners on the floor. The signs of the previous few meals Bill had been bothered to cook still filled the sink, as well as several frozen meal containers. On a clear spot on counter was also a large array of snack foods and a couple of bottles of liquor.

“Ok, you can see what you have there,” he said gesturing to the items on the bench, “and there’s beer and mixers in the fridge. When the others get here make sure you keep them topped up with drinks and snacks. Just give me rum and cokes, but with only a tiny bit of rum. The others are still a little way off, so you can start by cleaning up in here a bit.”

Emily looked at him aghast, her mouth open. This is not what she was expecting at all. She crossed her arms and looked at him sullenly. He just glared back at her before stepping to the side of her and delivering a hard smack to her ass. “Well come on, get to it!” Emily jumped and let out a yell. She gave him one more sour look before stepping over to the sink and beginning to clear it out. She felt the heat from where his hand had contacted her buttocks slowly spreading out, quickly warming her pussy.

“That’s a good girl,” Bill said, stepping up behind her and rubbing where he’d hit her. Emily continued emptying out the sink before filling it with hot water, letting out the occasional moan as Bill had his way with her ass. She began washing up as his hands dug into her crack before finding their way down to her pussy. She parted her legs and stuck her ass out to allow him better access as he rubbed her pussy, only the thin fabric of the shorts between them. She closed her eyes, wishing that Tom could see Bill enjoying her perfect teen body as she obediently did domestic tasks for him under threat of corporal punishment. She was acting out what even the most successful men from the most misogynistic bygone eras could have only dreamed of, and she was doing it for an obese social outcast. Oh fuck, Tom! He was supposed to be watching right now, she suddenly remembered.

She put down the sponge. “Umm, we need to send Tom the link to the livestream.”

Bill laughed. “Oh yeah, that’s right!” He gave her pussy one last squeeze before removing his hand. “You’ll have to give me a hand setting it up,” he said, walking back into the dining room. Emily closed her legs and took a deep breath before following him.

He had a webcam placed discreetly in a bookshelf, with the cord running down behind the tv cabinet, where it was connected to a laptop. Bill pulled the laptop out of the hiding spot and handed it to Emily. She opened it up and opened up the web browser. There were several tabs of porn open, all with depraved titles. The current tab showed a young women being roughly fucked by several ugly men as they called her degrading names. Emily watched with her mouth agape for several moments as they slapped and spit on her as they rammed their big cocks into her holes. She blushed and paused it when she noticed Bill grin lasciviously at her. She quickly opened a new window and navigated to the site she’d picked out previously that let you set up private streams. After getting it to recognise the webcam she sent the link through to Tom.

Emily: Sorry it took so long, we had some technical difficulties.

Tom: All good. Just remember, if you aren’t on camera then all the guys have to be

Emily went to reply in the affirmative but Bill snatched the phone off her and placed it on the shelf. “Oi, stop texting and get back to work bitch!” He gave her a slap on the other cheek. She gave the camera a shrug, a thumbs up to let Tom know she’d read the text and then headed back into the kitchen. As she washed up and felt the heat from the second spank spreading she found herself wanting Bill to come and rub that one as well, before remembering that he couldn’t with the camera now watching. She sighed and grabbed the next pan to wash.

She’d cleaned up about half of the mess when Bill called out from the dining room. “They should be getting here pretty soon. Don’t forget to come out and greet them and get them a drink straight away when they arrive! And if I see anyone with an empty drink or no snacks for more than a minute, you’re getting a spanking at the end of the night!”

“Yep, I got it!” Emily replied, testily.

“Hey, no need to get upset, I’m just trying to help you not get a hiding on that pretty little ass of yours!” Bill laughed. “Unless you want a good spanking? Maybe I should change it so you only get the spanking if you’re good?”

“Ah no, that’s all good, thanks,” Emily replied awkwardly, embarrassed to admit she almost did want the spanking as a reward.

About thirty seconds later there was a knock at the door. Bill lumbered to his feet and answered it. “Hey Trigs, how you been? You ready to lose all your money?”

“Haha, fuck off man! Just because I gave you a bit of charity last time doesn’t mean you’re getting any this time!” came the reply from a wheezy voice.

“Charity! As if! You just kept falling for my bluffs,” said Bill as he reentered the dining room, followed by another man about the same age. His arms and legs were on the skinnier side, but he had a prominent beer belly. He was bald with a full goatee and moustache. He wore a shirt that was too big for him everywhere except his belly, where it was stretched tight. He stopped as he caught sight of Emily, staring at her first with shock, then with hunger. “Who the hell is that Bill? How much are you paying for a sweety like her?”

“That’s Emily, and I'm paying her jack shit! She’s here because she wanted to come and help out.” Emily baulked at Bill giving her real name to his friend, realising they should have agreed to a fake name beforehand.

“Fucking bullshit! There’s no way a cute young thing like her would voluntarily hang out with a fat old fuck like you, you must have come into some money recently but don’t want to tell me! Oh well, it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll take it all from you tonight anyway!”

“Haha, believe whatever you want!” Bill turned to Emily. “Now come on slut, are going to offer my friend a drink or just stand there getting lubed up over him eye raping you?”

“Oh, sorry. Umm, Trigs?” Emily said, not sure of his name

“Yeah, that’s right, short for Trigger, on account of my itchy trigger finger when I was on the force.”

Bill laughed. “This man has the most firearm discharges in the state; earned himself an early retirement when those libs started all that ‘defund the police’ shit.”

“That’s right, I was on paid administrative leave for four and a half years before I officially retired last year!”

“So, what would you like to drink?” Emily found herself saying as her mind reeled with what a despicable character this friend of Bill’s was.

“I’ll just have a beer thanks love.”

Emily turned and walked into the kitchen. She heard Trigger whistle behind her. “Damn, look at that fucking ass! Look at the freakin’ jiggle! There's no way you didn’t pay for that shit dude.”

Emily grabbed a beer out of the fridge, popped the top and returned to the dining room. She handed it to Trigger. “Thanks darling,” he said with a smug grin, looking back up from staring at her cleavage. Emily felt her nipples harden as she felt his gaze as a tingling across the skin of her chest.

She turned to Bill. “Do you want a drink as well?”

“Yeah, give me a rum and coke.” Emily returned to the kitchen and grabbed a tumbler out of the cupboard, put some ice, coke and a splash of rum in, before carrying it out to Bill. Him and Trigger were now seated at the table. Emily watched as he took a sip, hoping she’d got the amount of rum right. He gave her a slight nod. She breathed a sigh of relief, until she saw an evil glint in his eye.

“Now where the fuck are the snacks!” he said indignantly, spanking her on the ass. “Well come on, go and get them, stupid slut.” Emily hastily headed into the kitchen as Trigger watched on with eyes wide. She quickly put some chips and dip into some bowls and headed out with them balanced in her arms.

Just then there was another knock at the door. “Actually, can you get the door first?” Bill asked, not looking up at her. Emily came to a halt, unsure if she should put the snacks on the table or back in the kitchen. Bill looked over at her to see what the hold up was. “Fuck you’re a dumb bitch! Just put them on the table, then go answer the door.”

Emily blushed bright red at being treated like this in front of a stranger. She quickly put the snacks down on the table before rushing down the hall to the front door, her tits bouncing and her butt jiggling. She pulled the door open to reveal a tall, lanky man who looked to be in his late fifties. He had a long face with hollow cheeks and wrinkles that looked like they were formed purely by scowling. A moment later she was hit by the smell of his cologne and had to stop herself from wrinkling her nose. He was dressed in black jeans and a black dress shirt.

The man stared at her with beady eyes. “Well who the fuck are you?” he said after a moment.

“Hi, I’m, ah,” Emily said, pausing for a second to consider giving a fake name, before realising it would be silly now that Trigger already knew her real name. “I’m Emily. I’m a friend of Bill’s and am helping out by serving drinks and stuff tonight.” She felt another quiver in her stomach and her pussy at giving another total stranger, and a particularly unappealing one at that, her real name.

The man continued to stare expectantly at Emily, who squirmed under his gaze, wondering what he wanted, until she realised that she was still standing in the doorway, blocking his way. She jumped back out of the way and he brushed past her.

“Hey Bill, how you doin’?” he said with what was the closest Emily assumed he ever came to a friendly intonation.

“Hey Clive, glad you could make it! Even if it’s just so I can take more of your money,” Bill taunted.

“Hmph,” was all the reply he got. Clive pulled out a chair and sat down. Emily quickly paced back to the table, still very aware of how much her boobs and butt jiggled as she moved, and set out the snacks properly.

“What can I get you to drink, Clive?” she asked as she finished with the food and stepped back from the table.

“Scotch,” he said without looking at her. She turned and walked back into the kitchen and looked through the bottles. She wasn’t very familiar with drinks, and none of them said scotch. Getting worried she started looking at the backs. Eventually she noticed one of them mentioned Scotland, and not having much else to go on she poured that one into a tumbler, filling it up about half way. She carried it back out into the dining room.

“-don’t usually like paying for dumb whores, but a young one like her seems more worth it,” she heard Clive say. She gritted her teeth and handed him the drink.

“Well at least she knows how to pour a decent amount of scotch, and doesn’t try and dilute it with ice,” he said to Bill after taking a sip. Emily smiled, happy that she hadn’t stuffed up his drink.

She stepped back to the edge of the room, slowly growing bored as they just chatted between themselves for the next ten minutes. Finally Trigger held up his now empty beer bottle and looked over at Emily. She strode over and grabbed it off him, chucked it in the bin in the kitchen, and grabbed him a fresh one from the fridge. As she gave it to him he gave her an appreciative pat on the bottom. “Thanks darl.”

“No worries!” she replied with a smile before she had time to think. She was caught by surprise by her body's positive response to the attention after having been ignored for the last while. “Ugh, I’ll grab you some more snacks,” she said, retreating to the kitchen. She poured some salted nuts into a bowl and walked back to the table. Bill and Clive were in conversation with each other as Trigger watched her approach the table. She felt a thrill run up her spine as he blatantly looked her teen body up and down. She shouldn’t be turned on by a creep like this, he was almost her grandfather’s age! She glanced over to where the webcam was hidden and imagined Tom watching as she was ogled by these old men. He must be getting so jealous she thought happily to herself.

She found herself approaching the space next to Trigger, and bending over extra far to place the bowl in the middle of the table. She felt Trigger’s hand contact her ass. “Thanks for the snacks babe,” he said distractedly. She stayed bent over, adjusting the rest of the snacks, as he rubbed her butt in small, timid circles. She then stood back, flashed him a smile and stepped back to the corner.

Tom sat in bed, pants down and livestream up on his laptop. He’d had to slow down at the start to stop himself cumming, the nervous jealousy from worrying about what was taking them so long to start the stream almost sending him over the edge before the night had even begun. His mind had been running wild imagining more and more outrageous situations, and was on the verge of calling Emily when she finally texted him.

Seeing Emily squirming under Bill’s uncouth treatment had forced Tom to have to let go of his cock for fear of cumming too soon. He’d grown a little bored as Emiily stood back as the men talked, though the fact that the three of them got to see Emily up close and personal in her slutty outfit while he was forced to watch on his laptop made his heart ache with jealousy, while also making his dick throb. He looked at Emily standing subserviently by, ready to follow the orders of any of the old, ugly men, while he slowly jacked off by himself. He stared intently at the pixels that formed her image, trying to catch a hint of the shape of her pussy through the tight shorts, thinking about how two men significantly older than Emily had got to see her naked pussy, while he had only got to see it once.

He watched for another twenty minutes, during which Emily served Trigger twice more, getting a rub on the bottom each time, and Bill once, who only degraded her with derogatory names. There was another knock on the door. Emily looked expectantly at Bill, unsure if he wanted her to answer it again. Instead he lumbered to his feet and walked out of the camera's frame towards the front door.

After a short conversation that Tom couldn’t discern over the stream, Bill returned, followed by a large, hairy man. He had a long, dark, unkempt beard and hair, and looked like he used to be very muscly, but had lost some of his strength in his old age. Not that he looked super old, probably about fifty.

“Well hello, who do we have here?” he said as he spotted Emily. Emily fidgeted under his intense gaze.

She opened her mouth, but Bill cut in before she could introduce herself. “Rob, this is Emily. Emily, Rob,” he said, gesturing between them. “Emily is here to help keep us fed and with a drink in our hands.”

“And act as a feast for our eyes as well by the looks of it,” Rob sneered. “Well, I’ll have a whiskey and coke thanks love.” He strode to the table and claimed the last seat as Emily hurried to the kitchen to fetch him his drink.

As he walked towards his seat and Tom got to see his face straight on he felt like he recognised him. He had no idea from where though. With his build Tom reasoned he could be a retired athlete or something.

“Hello fellas, long time no see,” he said with a chuckle as he sat down.

“Ha ha, yeah, good to see you La-, ah, Rob,” said Trigger.

“Oh yeah, hi Rob,” added Clive.

Emily returned with Rob’s drink. He took it off her, his other hand running up and down the back of her toned thigh as he thanked her. Tom had a great view as Rob was seated on the side of the table closest to the hidden camera. Rob slid his hand up and gave her butt a good squeeze, his fingers digging into the fleshy globe, before patting her and sending her on her way. She walked back to stand attentively by the entrance to the kitchen.

Everyone now present, Bill pulled out a case of chips and everyone began buying in. Tom was surprised to see them all buy in for several thousand dollars, assuming Bill wouldn’t have that much money to spare. The chips distributed the game began.

The men seemed like pretty experienced players, and with a decent amount of money on the line they were playing carefully. With all their concentration on the table, Tom saw Emily once again getting bored. She looked around the corners of the room blankly, the action at the table appearing not to interest her. She looked delighted when Trigger asked her for another beer. She practically skipped the whole way as she took his empty bottle and quickly returned with a full one. She came to a stop beside him and Tom saw his hand reach behind her as she handed him the beer.

“Cheers,” he said, as Emily stood beside him, her butt being jiggled by his hand. She briefly closed her eyes, her mouth parting slightly. She opened them again to catch Rob looking at her with a smirk. She looked down abashedly and stepped back from the table.

It was only a couple more rounds before Rob was holding up his glass. “Another drink thanks honey,” he said, looking at Emily. She quickly strode over to grab his glass, apparently at the resonant frequency of her tits, as they appeared to almost bounce out of her bra to Tom. She grabbed Rob’s glass, and refilled it in the kitchen before returning. This time Rob slid his hand straight up the inside of her thigh and cupped her pussy between her thick thighs. Even Tom heard her squeak over the video feed. Yet she took a good couple seconds, his hand jiggling her thigh as it massaged her pussy from behind the whole time, before she stepped away.

Tom didn’t like the fact that some stranger was already getting his hands on Emily’s pussy, but he also didn’t want to call an end to the night so early. Also, he had to admit the jealousy and worry welling up inside of him and causing his heart to ache was also making his dick throb. He decided that it was fine as long as Emily kept her clothes on. Tom was sure Bill wouldn’t let things go too far while he was watching on the camera.

As Emily walked past the camera Tom could see her nipples tenting her top. He saw her take a few deep breaths once she’d resumed her position near the kitchen. She squirmed every now and then as the next few hands played out, rubbing her thighs together.

Bill was the next to ask for a refill, and Emily happily skipped into the kitchen to refill his rum and coke. She seemed disappointed when all she got was a “Thanks bitch,” as Bill took the drink, instead staying focused on the current hand. She stood with a sullen look on her face after that.

Even Rob finishing his drink and asking for a refill a couple of rounds later didn’t seem to fully lift her spirits, though it did wipe the frown from her face as she caught herself and replaced it with a pleasant smile. When she returned with his refilled drink she bent over as she handed it to him, presenting her tits right by his face.

”Thanks slut,” he said as he grabbed one of her breasts in his hand and lifted it up and jiggled it. “Oh my god, they’re fucking all natural, I though for sure a dumb cunt like you would have to have had them enlarged!” Tom noticed that Emily had been glancing over at Bill, as if to try and gauge his reaction. He however seemed more interested in the cards in front of him. Rob then gave her nipple a sharp squeeze, causing her to give a short moan. This made Bill look up and scowl slightly. Emily stepped away from Rob, who gave her a parting slap on the ass. She walked around the table and headed into the kitchen, a slight smile on her face.

Tom looked on, his heart pounding. She was supposed to be doing all of this to tease him and make him feel jealous, yet right now she seemed more focussed on Bill! She hadn’t looked at the camera once since the start of the game, yet here she was trying to get Bill's attention after he hadn’t freaking molested her enough when she’d last served him!

Emily walked out from the kitchen carrying a bowl of chips. She strode over to the space next to Bill, her hips swinging and her tits bouncing. Even Clive, who still hadn’t shown too much interest in her, watched her as she strutted. She bent over the table, letting everyone, including Tom as she was facing the camera, look straight down her top. She put the bowl of chips down and fussed with the other ones, gathering up the empty ones.

“Good girl,” Bill said in a patronising tone, reaching out and pinching her nipple and rolling it between his finger and thumb. He let go and she stood back up and carried the empty bowl back to the kitchen, trying to hide the grin on her face.

Trigger was the next to finish his drink, but he only gave Emily’s tits an awkward grope as she handed him his beer.

Rob finished his third drink for the night only two rounds later, and Tom wondered how strong Emily was making the drinks. She’d never drunk alcohol herself, and so was probably mixing them a little on the strong side. He grew worried about what sort of liberties he’d start taking with Emily if he got drunk. However the worry seemed to only make his cock harder.

Rob didn’t call Emily over straight away when he finished his drink, instead casually placing his empty glass back on the table. At the end of the next hand he held his glass up and called to Emily. “Oi cunt, my glass is fucking empty, how fucking long are you going to take to make me another drink?”

Emily jumped at the sudden outburst before rushing over to him. “Sorry, sorry! I’ll make you one right away!”

“Not good enough, I think you deserve a punishment,” he said with a wicked grin.

“Oh, umm, what sort of punishment?” Emily asked nervously.

“Come here and I’ll show you,” Rob demanded. Emily timidly stepped forward. “Good, now put your feet apart. Further. Further. Good.” Emily looked at him, her legs spread wide. He brought his hand back, making his intentions clear. Instead of pulling back, Emily instead thrust her pelvis forward slightly. She bit her lip and looked over at Bill. Rob quickly whipped his hand towards her crotch and slapped her straight on the pussy. Emily let out a yelp and bent over, grabbing onto Rob’s arm. His hand was still on her pussy, rubbing side to side. Emily moaned.

“There you go. Stupid cunts get hit in their stupid cunts,” he said with a barking laugh. “Now say thank you.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for what?”

“Thank you for slapping my stupid cunt,” said with another moan. She pushed herself back upright and grabbed his glass. He pulled his hand free and she walked away on unsteady legs to get him his refill. She leant across the table from the opposite side when she gave him his new drink, apparently not keen to get too close to him straight away.

Tom watched Rob more closely over the next couple of rounds and he definitely seemed to be getting drunk. He also noticed that his stack of chips was getting low. Sure enough, he ran out of chips two rounds later, after what was probably an ill advised all in. He grumbled, pulled out another stack of cash from his wallet and exchanged it with Bill for more chips.

“Don’t yous fucking worry! You just got lucky, I’ll be back in no time!” he said loudly. He took another big swig from his glass.

Despite his reassurance he continued to slowly bleed chips. After his next big loss he gulped down the rest of his drink and called for a refill. Emily dutifully brought it to him, and he vigorously groped her ass as she passed it to him. He put the glass straight down and brought his second hand to her front, out of sight of Tom. Emily let out a squeak and looked up at Bill.

“Hey, leave the slut’s pants alone!” Bill commanded.

“She’s been asking for it all night!” Rob complained, although he did drop his hand from her pants.

Bill chuckled. “You’re not wrong, how about we play for her clothes. How does $250 for her top sound?”

Tom gulped. She’d still have the bra on he supposed, but it’s not like the situation needed to be given any more sexual tension. At least Bill had stopped Rob’s advance, Tom thought. And kept Emily’s pants on.

“Haha, ok, you’re on!”

Rob folded the next round, but got down to just him and Bill still in for the last card the round after.

“Ok, I raise you Emily’s top.”

“Haha, I call you!” Rob said eagerly. They both revealed their cards and Rob jumped up in excitement when he saw Bill’s cards.

“Fuck yeah, had you the whole time! Well come on bitch, let’s get that top off!”

Emily looked at Bill nervously, who nodded his head. She slowly reached up and grabbed the bottom of her top. She let out a nervous breath, and then pulled the top up over her head. Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath as her teenage breasts came into view, obscured only by the skimpy push up bra. She dropped the shirt and looked between the four men, unable to hide a slight smile at their reaction.

“Fuck me, they’re fucking even better than I thought they’d be,” Rob said with amazement. “So, how much for the shorts?”

Bill laughed at Rob’s eagerness. “How about $500?”

Tom’s worry increased once again, his stomach feeling like it was filled with extremely anxious butterflies. He just hoped Emily was wearing a conservative pair of panties, having not seen which ones she put on. Oh god, what if she was wearing the new pair? The thought of Emily walking around in the tiny panties in front of the four old men was too much and he suddenly came. His vision went white and he almost passed out as he shot the biggest load he ever had. After having edged himself for so long as he watched the hottest yet most excruciating, heart-wrenching thing he’d ever seen, it was by far the most intense orgasm he’d ever had.

When he came back to his senses they’d started the next round, and Emily was still standing to the side, her tits practically bursting out of her bra. Tom suddenly realised how thirsty he was. Seeing as it looked like he had enough time he got up to get himself some water. The fact that he had to get himself a drink while the four old men had Emily waiting on them in her skimpy outfit was not lost on him and he felt his boner coming back once again.

When he got back he saw Emily delivering another beer to Trigger, who had decided to go back to just groping her ass. Rob was drinking down his drink pretty quickly, and asked for a refill not too long after. Tom’s heart was hammering as Emily approached him, her tits barely protected at all.

Rob grabbed the drink and quickly put it aside, his focus on Emily and her boobs. He turned in his chair to face her. “Seeing as I paid for them, I think I should be able to appreciate them a little!” he said loudly, grabbing her by the butt and pulling her in towards himself. He wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her boobs towards face before shoving his face into her cleavage and shaking it side to side vigorously. A look of shock appeared on Emily’s face and she let out a gasp before taking several shaky breaths, her ears turning pink as everyone watched her getting motorboated. Rob let out sloppy raspberry noises, and when he pulled his head out of her tits they were shiny with his spit.

Tom noticed Bill’s face darkening as Rob had his fun with Emily’s tits, and when she stood up she looked over just in time to catch his scowl before it was replaced by his usual sneer. A smirk appeared on her face before she retreated back to the corner, while Rob turned back to the table and took a contented sip of his drink.

Three hands later and he and Bill were heads up again, the other two folding by the flop. “I raise you $500,” Rob said with a grin.

“Well, I guess I call you with Emily’s shorts. Actually, I’ll raise you another $500 as well.” Rob hesitated a moment before flinging the extra chips in. He tried to call through the rest of the hand, but Bill raised him a further $1500. When Bill revealed he’d been sitting on a full house the whole time, Rob looked like he was about to flip the table. His eyes flared and he looked like he was about to shout some choice expletives before he looked over to Emily’s worried expression and a sheepish look came over him. He took a few deep breaths, a sip of his drink and then flung another stack of cash Bill’s way. Bill calmly counted it out and pushed a stack of chips to Rob.

Two rounds later and they were the only two left by the turn. Bill examined his cards, toyed with his chips, and then finally declared he would bet Emily’s shorts again.

Rob grinned, before pushing $1500 worth of chips into the centre. “I raise you $1000. Is that about how much the slut’s panties are worth?”

Bill thought for a moment, a scowl on his face as Tom sat in front of his laptop, his breath held and cock pulsing. Surely Bill wouldn’t agree to that, right? Finally, Bill threw down his cards. “Fuck, fine, I fold!” he spat. “Come on bitch, get those shorts off!”

Tom wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or not. At least Emily would be keeping her panties on, but at the cost of giving up her shorts without Rob even having to show his cards. Emily stepped forward and gulped, all attention now on her. She grabbed the waistband of her shorts and had one last nervous look around the room before quickly pulling them down. She bent at the waist as she pulled the shorts over her shoes before she stood back up and Tom gasped. She wasn’t wearing any panties! There he was hoping they wouldn’t be too risque, and she’d decided to go commando!

Rob let out a deep laugh. “Looks like you should have stayed in, big man!” he said mockingly to Bill. He took a celebratory swig of his drink, and Tom noted with worry that it was getting close to being empty.

Emily still stood by the table, her face red as the four old, ugly men eyed her perfect teen body up and down. She did a startled jump as Bill suddenly reprimanded her. “Hey bitch, I know you like showing off your slutty body, but we’ve been out of nuts for ten minutes now!”

Emily squeaked and quickly headed for the kitchen, however Bill’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm. “I think you deserve a punishment first, don’t you?” Emily looked down and nodded her head. “Good girl. Now spread those legs.”

Emily bit her lip, hesitating a moment before spreading her legs. She looked down, looking at how her pussy was now spread open and exposed to the four men. Bill brought his hand back and then delivered a slap straight to her unprotected pussy, causing a wet smacking sound to reverberate around the room. Emily looked up to the ceiling, her lip still in between her teeth as Bill gave her pussy a quick rub. He released her and she stepped back. She hurried into the kitchen, her face bright red.

She seemed to take a moment in the kitchen, when she came back out her face was back to its regular shade. She carried the bowl of nuts around to Rob’s side of the table, giving Bill a smirk. “I thought Rob should enjoy a closer look, seeing as he’s the one who earned it.”

She leant right over the table to put the nuts right in the middle, giving her ass a little wiggle as she did. Rob reached out and went to grab her ass, but she stood back up and turned away from him. As she did she raised her inside leg up over her head, and, continuing the spin, she brought it over Rob’s head. She then dropped down onto his lap, one leg straddled either side of him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and thrust her body forward, grinding her pussy into his erection contained in his pants, her tits wobbling in his face. Just as he was getting over the shock at her display of flexibility and moving his hands to grab her around the waist she rolled off him and strutted away. She gave Bill another smirk and continued on back to her spot by the kitchen.

Tom watched on anxiously. Emily seemed to be going further and further to get a rise out of Bill, and it was getting worrying with her not wearing anything other than her bra. Tom had his phone out ready to call, but he held off for now as Bill seemed to be trying to keep things from getting out of hand. The rapid beating of his heart as he watched his girlfriend use her naked teenage body on a drunk old man, just to get a rise out of an old perverted bully only seemed to make his dick harder.

The men’s attention returned to the game, and they played several more rounds. Rob seemed to be having trouble paying attention however, both because of his drunken state, and because he kept looking over at. Emily for her part would give a smile every time she caught him looking at her, and did nothing to hide her pussy. This resulted in him losing even more money. He tried to turn his attention back to the game and recoup his losses, but he was called on a large bluff not long after. “Fuck!” he yelled, slamming the table with his fist. He skulled the rest of his drink and held the glass up. “Get me another drink bitch! And stop fucking distracting me you dumb slut!”

Emily quickly walked over and went to grab the glass, leaning across his body. However Rob slammed the glass on the table before she could reach it. “Actually, fuck this! I’m taking the bitch now!” He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back onto the table. Her legs splayed out wide in the air as she lost her balance. Trigger and Clive jumped back, looking on with shock, while Bill seemed too stunned to move. With one hand still around her throat, Rob used his other to pull down the front of his pants, revealing his menacing cock.

“NO! LANGDON STOP!” Trigger and Clive both yelled out almost simultaneously. Langdon, as Tom realised Rob’s name actually appeared to be, ignored their calls and proceeded to line up his cock with Emily’s pussy. Bill was by now coming to his senses and was leaping up from his seat and round the table. He was too late however, and Langdon thrust forward into her pussy. Tom watched on in horror as he watched his girlfriend lose her virginity. His phone fell from his limp hand.

Langdon pulled out and thrust again before Bill reached him and wrenched him off Emily. He threw him to the floor and kicked him hard in the side. Langdon scrambled to his feet and hastily retreated down the hallway, holding his hands up to block Bill raining blows down on his head. As they disappeared out of sight Tom saw Emily had collapsed to the floor, her legs shaking.

Bill came back from the hallway. “You two better get out as well, I’ll fix you up for your chips later,” he said to Clive and Trigger.

“Wha-” started Trigger as Clive was already making a hasty line for the door.

“Just get the fuck out!” Bill shouted. Trigger turned white and quickly followed Clive.

Tom finally got over his shock, just in time for another as a single thought that had been stuck in the back of his head, trying to get to the surface, finally burst. He did recognise Rob! Or, more exactly, he recognised Langdon. He was a recently released rapist! He’d made local headlines due to the nasty string of rapes he’d committed, and people rightfully not wanting him released, even after 25 years.

Taking another moment after that realisation, Tom finally jumped up and sprinted out the door. He burst into Bill’s house and rushed straight to Emily. “Oh my gosh baby, are you ok?” he asked, gently holding her shoulder. She gave him a weak nod. Happy that Emily wasn’t about to have a breakdown he whirled around to face Bill. “What the fuck! That was Langdon! The fucking serial rapist! What the fuck were you thinking!?”

“I’m sorry, alright? It got out of hand! Trigger knew he had stashed money, and a lot of it, before he got locked up, and that he had a gambling habit. So we thought we’d distract him with a pretty girl and some booze and bleed him dry. And it probably would have worked too, if it wasn’t for that desperate slut throwing herself at him!” he gestured angrily at Emily.

“Don’t you dare blame Emily!” Tom said resolutely, angrily picking up Emily’s clothes. He wrapped her coat around her and pulled her to her feet. “This is over Bill! Don’t ever fucking talk to either of us ever again,” he said with a cold certainty as he lead Emily to the door.

“Come on man, I can give you half the money we made!”

Tom paused at the door and turned his head to Bill. “I. Don’t. Need. Your. Fucking. Money.” He slammed the door shut and escorted Emily back to their apartment.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry babe, this was all my fault! I promise it’s all over now! I’m done with my stupid fantasy,” he said to her when they were finally back in their apartment, tears in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault,” She said softly back to him, “but right now I think I just want to go to bed. Can you please get me my pyjamas?”

He nodded and fetched her flannelette pyjamas which she quickly pulled on before collapsing into bed. Tom cuddled up behind her and held her in his arms. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yes, now that you’re holding me,” she whispered, then appeared to drift straight off to sleep.

It was two weeks later, and Emily had convinced Tom that they shouldn’t go to the police. She’d told him it was because she didn’t want to have to go through the trauma again, but it was actually because Bill was right. She was a desperate slut. She’d known exactly what she was doing teasing Rob, or Langdon. She’d mostly been doing it to tease Bill for ignoring her, but she had to admit that she also enjoyed Langdon’s aggressiveness. She’d known he was on verge of breaking at the end, and had intentionally leant her nearly naked teen body across him anyway. When he’d grabbed her by the throat and slammed her onto the table she hadn’t been able to help herself and had actually spread her legs as wide as they’d go. When he rammed his cock into her she’d orgasmed instantly, and the aftershocks had still been hitting her as she’d fallen to the ground, her legs quivering.

If she’d known he was a convicted rapist she probably wouldn’t have teased him from the start, but if she’d found out part way through she wasn’t sure if she would have stopped. Looking back and realising the danger she’d been in only made it hotter. Seeing Bill yank Langdon off her had been the best part though, after barely getting a rise out of him all night. He’d seemed so dominant, and she still felt the waves of her orgasm washing over her she desperately wanted Bill to reclaim her.

She still got wet thinking about the debauched night, but her and Tom hadn’t spoken about it or any of their previous escapades at all in the bedroom. In fact she hadn’t done anything sexual with Tom at all since that night. She wondered how Tom was managing with the sudden drop in sexual activity after the crazy couple of weeks before. In fact, she was investigating that now. Tom was at the shops, and she was snooping through his laptop. She first looked at his recent files, and as she suspected, mixed in amongst his recent schoolwork, she found the various video recordings, including the one of  poker night. Tom hadn’t managed to get the fantasy out of his head, despite promising it was all over.

A smile flickered across her face. Maybe she’d just have to make his deepest fantasy come true on her own.


John Benton

I love her playing around with a random older stranger, especially when it's something she hasn't done with her boyfriend. When it comes to the twist; it's not my thing. Perhaps if she was into it, or hoping something like that would happen.

John Lewis

Didn't particularly care for it. Even though you made it seem she was enjoying the poker game and the flirting it wasn't my cup of tea. You took away the thought that Tom thinks she is still a virgin. The end was very revealing in the way she now feels. Looking forward to the next chapter hoping it returns to be like chapter one and two.