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I'll eventually post it up for everyone to see, but you guys get to take a look at the first draft.

I'm also still getting used to the software, so maybe I'll improve it over time.


Some of you probably noticed the names of some of the city. But remember how the 1st King of Aizen was someone from another world and was also a huge nerd?

So it makes total sense that he'd name a few cities after his favorite waifus, right? Obviously.

And the only reason that every city isn't named after a waifu, is that during the 1st King's reign, they hadn't conquered everything within the wolf's jaw yet.

In any case, Aizen as it is now is not like its neighbors. Cities aren't separated by walls anymore. And buildings are sprouting up in between them...

Kinda like modern times. Borders between cities aren't very clear. Kind of. Some of the cities don't share borders with other cities. Aizen's still working on filling those places out — after they fill out the undergrounds of each city of course.

Also, don't use the size of the buildings to scale them to the ground... those are just symbols.

Wellp, that's it. I hope it looks neat. I think it does, but maybe that's just me. I made it after all. lol

If anyone wants to make their own maps, say, for DnD night...? Here's the sight that I used to produce the map above.


There's a free version and a paid version. I'm a cheapskate, so I naturally used the free one. But I still managed to make such a beauty...

The paid version must be awesome. Maybe once the Patreon's bringing in enough, I'll allocate some of the funds from here to a subscription on Inkarnate so I can make even better ones.

It's not really that important to the story, but I really like maps, so...

Well anyway, that's all folks! I might update the map from time to time. This ain't its final form!

= Lire ♪ =



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