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Welp, does everyone still remember the bet I made with myself at the start of June?


To no one's surprise, I, Lire, have triumphantly succeeded.

The Transcendent tier is open for anyone interested. Right now, there are 10 advanced chapters, but I'll slowly get that up to 15 or something.

Maybe by next month? I'm not starting another challenge btw. WAY too much pressure.


It's pretty expensive, so I'm not actually expecting a whole lot of people to sub for it. The main money-maker will likely still be the Ascendant tier.

Since most of my financial supporters are there, it feels dumb to cater to Transcendents.

I gotta give my Ascendants some love too, y'know?

So instead of 5 chapters, I'm going to give the Ascendant tier 7 advanced chapters soon. But only when I have, like, maybe 12 advanced chapters on the 10$ tier? Eh, maybe I'll do it on Wednesday, who knows?

I don't have a plan! Wait this is kind of a plan, so maybe I do have a plan?

I don't know! I've never written so much in the span of two days and my brain's too fried for the incoming Monday.


Thanks for all my continued supporters. It really warms my heart that there are people out there who like my work — and hopefully me too.

This achievement was thanks to you guys. You are all the GOATs.

I'm gonna go to sleep now.

It's a Monday tomorrow and I hate those, so I'll need as much energy as I can muster.