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I'm really sorry, but I struggled badly with the recent event in Nijisanji. Personally, i still have good faith in the talents and still want to support them, but seeing how people fight each other, each with their own opinion twisted in their way just really demotivates me, making me question more and more. I want to stay positive and detach my emotions from my work, but I just can't. I really hope things will settle down, but I'm afraid of how it will end.

I feel guilty since it would also mean I won't be able to provide anything back to my supporters. Please feel free to cancel your subscription if you feel needed. I hope you understand

I'll see you soon, please take care of yourselves


Bob Johnson

You're not alone. It's hard to watch all this unfold, with everyone tearing each other apart and so much difficulty telling what's true and what's not. Take your time, we'll all get through this together.