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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to doctor who season 1 episode 6 "dalek"

this was SUCH an interesting one with a moral dilemma but also, kind of weird considering it was a robot/ ugly thing. obviously it's still a living being, but it was still unexpected!

thanks for watching with me!


Arriane S.

Literally signed up to your patreon just for DW content (plus everything else now, I'll binge, too) but I wanted to add this - something you touched on in this reaction is that it seemed to speak about euthanasia in this storyline, and you found that strange in this context. But that's the whole, wonderful point of sci-fi, and especially shows like this. They tackle big topics like that in weird, whacky ways, so people - especially the young - can digest them in a way that's easier than something like, say, a crime fiction that's graphic and scary. Anyway, just something I noticed, and one of the things I love most about the show. It can give you new ways of looking at points of view or topics that might be hotly debated. And it does it while being camp and fantastic the whole time! Can't wait to go on this journey with you!!

Katie Niekamp

This episode is so good to me. The Doctor is having a full-blown trauma response and it’s shocking. Up to this point, his PTSD was subtle and mostly hinted at a profound grief that the Doctor covers up. But this shows exactly how horrifying and devastating the war was between the Daleks and Time Lords. One look at his enemy and his vernacular turns violent and malicious and his body language becomes panicked and unstable. We still don't know many details of the war and the part the Doctor played but this gives a full emotional picture. Eccleston’s performance is yet again magnificent. I work in the peace field and this whole thing of the Doctor and the Dalek is so familiar. After a brutal war, how do people move forward? How do they process their trauma? How do they overcome their mistrust and fear that the “other side” is still a mortal threat? Deal with the loss of their entire family? Come back to their humanity after committing terrible acts and then living with the soul-crushing guilt of what they’ve done? It’s just so messy and horrible and eventually, all you can do is deal with is the shattered pieces in front of you with compassion and empathy for everyone (yes, even a Dalek). Rose understands. In regards to the exhibits at the start: there were a bunch of easter eggs from classic who. They look sort of silly now and not really “the stuff of nightmares” so we have to take his word for it lol. In regards to filming lore, when the Daleks first appeared in 1963, obviously special effects were extremely limited. They had to get across a “laser weapon” without really showing a laser pulse going from its gun into someone so they used a close up shot of the person, a zapping sound, and a technique of inverting the colors in high contrast (though it was black and white so it was inverting shades of gray). It decently got the point across of someone being severely electrocuted and was vaguely reminiscent of an x-ray image. In this episode, the special effect of the laser causing the person to sort of go unnatural color/contrast and bringing out the skeleton is corny but feels weirdly loyal to the classic era Daleks, if a different spin. Even the shot framing and acting choices seem like an understated attempt at consistency. Elevate, on the other hand, is new. Stairs were legit an issue for the Daleks in classic who for the practical reason of being unable to move the Dalek set piece up ledges without humans actually lifting it. But in 2005 there were suddenly (cheesy) CGI effects to help overcome that filming limitation, so the Daleks got to overcome the limitation in-universe. Here’s a DEEP CUT fun fact. Raymond Cusick did the original set design for the “The Daleks” in 1963 which involved designing the Dalek creature and the iconic pepperpot casing. However, the job went to him last minute after a young man named Ridley Scott had to back out after deciding to go to directing school. Yes, THE Ridley Scott known for The Martian, Blade Runner, Alien, Gladiator, etc. was supposed to be the creator of the Daleks. Who knows what they would have looked like had he not stepped down...