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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to marvel eternals!

going into this i was skeptical, but i thought it was really cool! it was pretty different from other things marvel. a lot more fantasy based but i thought it was cool!!!

im also very confused and intrigued about the end credit scenes :O

the edited version will be up tomorrow, i got a new editor to save on some money, so we're in an adjustment period but gonna work out an official schedule with her going forward to get them up saturday. thanks for understanding!



Inspiring me to actually watch this

Ian Forbes

I’m in the minority I suppose but I liked this film (not my favorite but I enjoyed it). It’s not like the other films but I don’t think they have to be. I think this caught MCU fans off guard since it wasn’t the same and it didn’t immediately connect to the normal Avengers stuff; and then the hate train snowballed from there.


I enjoyed it too! I wonder if a difference is that it’s more “fantasy” rooted than superhero for some people. Me personally I love fantasy so maybe that’s why I was unbothered!


They were in the position of having to both introduce and get us to emotionally invest in an Avengers-sized cast all within one movie, which is a really tough position to start from. While overall this didn't quite work, I'm saddened by the fact that Marvel Studios' takeaway from all this will likely be: give the successful indie directors we thrust onto these projects less creative freedom, and stick closer to the (perceived) effective/classic formula. I think this movie has some weird and different vibes from the rest of the MCU and quite frankly that's ok — sometimes you need to take chances even if they don't fully pan out.


Second time I have watched this movie, and I liked it better than the first time with your timed reaction / opinions joining me. I agree with your comments in the end and I think that Marvel stories have always be very diverse and there a lot of lesser known character. Therefore I believe it might have been a better option to create a 4-6 episode Disney+ series for this story arc. Now it deffinately feels rushed some times and it is a lot of new characters with a lot of background lore. Still, I enjoyed re-watching this today, thanks!!!

Ian Forbes

Glad you liked it. And I’m not spoiling anything but that voice you heard in the last end credit is not Nick Fury. Hopefully others here and in YouTube comments won’t spoil who it is for you. 🙂


I wouldn't say it's a bad Marvel. It's an unusual Marvel. Lots of people actullay dislike it for its very slow pace and it's true that its a "brainy" Marvel movie with more talk than action. But taste are for everyone.

Matthew Webb

I saw this movie in theaters and I loved it. Sure, it has its flaws, but I think the good really outweighed the bad.

Ron K

I understand why people say it's not their favorite Marvel movie cause like you said it doesn't feel like a usual MCU movie, I still enjoyed it when it came out and the few times I've rewatched it. It's petty of me but it always cracks me up with you or another reactor gets told ahead of time that a movie is crap or it's the worst movie in a franchise and the reactors opinion is the opposite haha. I'm glad you enjoyed it, really good reaction.


im so glad you enjoyed it, i personally loved it and im really sad word about this movie got so heavily against it, its not perfect but i really love it, and i hate that so many people were discourage from even trying it