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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to live action one piece season 1 episode 2 "the man in the straw hat"

i dont know HOW but somehow this show already has me very emotionally attached to the characters!!! i already teared up in just the second episode :')

thank you for watching with me!



Great reaction as always Emme, I am also already attached to the main characters and hooked to this show, two episodes in. I thought at the end of the last episode Buggy looked familiar. Now I recognized him, and he is played by Jeff Ward who I know as an actor from Agents of Shield (from season 5 on)… and I love the Christmas tree in the background btw !


One Piece keeps getting better, glad you are enjoying it, Thanks Eme


zoro thats all i have to say


I thought i recognized him too just not sure from what!! Also thanks! Tis the season!


So it's not that Luffy doesn't know who to swim, he literally never can. The deal with the Devil Fruits is that you get powers at the cost losing your ability to swim. Which is rough when you're a pirate.


about the streaming quality... netflix are kinda scummy. if you stream to their app it looks crystal clear. they intentionally stream at 720p to devices they determine are "unworthy" if you will. basically it looks at your system and if it thinks you could record in HD then they care more about prevent HD screen recording than giving the paying customers good quality. theres supposedly extensions that can bypass that and allow you to stream netflix in 4k or whatever you want but yea its a shame that they do this to paying customers in order to try and hinder "bad actors" meanwhile you can pirate all their content in 4k and not give them a dime and have a better user experience.


Omg thats fascinating info i didnt know all that!! It’s bizarre because some days it’s fine and others it’s not. Thank you for sharing!!!