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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to star wars episode viii: the last jedi!

i think it can be said without a doubt that this movie is definitely different from the other star wars movies we've had so far. i think it's still hard for me to wrap around how i felt about it, but overall it was not bad! and i'm looking forward to the next movie.

thanks for watching with me!


Pete Straley

I unashamedly love this film and think overall it's pretty great on the whole, and I'll die on that hill!


I think this movie requires multiple watches to appreciate its brilliance and how well it’s written, shot and edited. It dares to take risks and adds something new and fresh to the saga while staying true to the history of both the Star Wars lore and real life production. However, Johnson builds some of the most tense and emotional scenes in the trilogy, but he undercuts them so often with an over-the-top whimsical gag and I think that gives the audience whiplash. Story wise, I feel JJ painted him into a corner at the end of Ep 7 with the cliffhanger ending, but even despite that he manages to take the characters in interesting and challenging directions. I’ll also add that he gave us the first class-conscious, anti-capitalist narrative in a Star Wars film and that alone deserves applause.

Aldo Gonzales

If you check out the deleted scenes, you’ll learn that Carrie Fisher slapped Oscar Isaac countless times. That one slap took several takes. Something tells me she enjoyed it.