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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to star wars episode viii: the last jedi!

i think it can be said without a doubt that this movie is definitely different from the other star wars movies we've had so far. i think it's still hard for me to wrap around how i felt about it, but overall it was not bad! and i'm looking forward to the next movie.

thanks for watching with me!


Michael Wind Hansen

awesome , another great upload, thx for all you do , an a happy holidays

Boom Desjardins

The Last Jedi is very divise while the next one after that, almost everyone agrees on it 😅


Thanks for this reaction Emme and trust me you are not the only one with a few more questions after seeing this movie. FYI: The girl with the bunns is Billie Lourd, she is the IRL daughter of Carrie Fisher (that how I know her. It is a bit hard seeing this movie again knowing now, with hindsight, that it was the last Star Wars movie that was made before the Carrie Fisher passed away.

Ron K

As someone who grew up in the 80's with Star Wars it makes me sad that you had to make that announcement. I hate saying it but unfortunately some of the most toxic sci-fi fans are Star Wars fans. I love that you still give all of these a fair chance and keep an open mind. Of the sequel trilogy The Last Jedi is my least favorite but like the prequels there are still elements in it that I enjoyed. Another great reaction!

mordicai knode

I love both of the movies with Jedi in the name!

Lucas Chantler

I think the biggest issue people have with this movie is how Luke was the literal representation of hope in the OGs and then here he’s just an old hermit who’s hiding on an island and wants the Jedi to end. Luke is one of the most iconic characters of all time and there was a 35 year wait to see him on screen again after Return of the Jedi and the version we got was so different from the original. Even Mark Hamill says he had to approach it as if he was playing “Jake Skywalker” because the character is so different. Btw your shirt is 🔥


I really like the next one, and know a lot of people who do, so I don't think that's accurate. But people like to make fun of the movies and make these little comments on social media, so it's great to know that's coming in these comments.

Culper (Lukas)

@PhillyJ .... I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger. :)


you may know that actress from Scream Queens. She was also in American Horror Story, though I have never seen it. Carrie Fisher is her mom in real life.

Zach Zeegen

If you want the real sequel trilogy, you should check out the legends version of Luke from before Disney bought Star Wars.

David L Pickard

Fun fact, when Yoda burns down the library and says the girl Rey already has everything she needs, it's because she had already taken the books right before she left and stashed them on the Falcon. You can see them when Finn opens the container to get a blanket for Rose right near the end, and Yoda knew they were gone already so he just wanted to teach Luke his lesson. Also, they keep making it a point to show the salt moving near the end and especially with Kylo's foot movements showing the red earth, and when Luke moves it doesn't disturb the ground. I didn't catch that in the theater but it's a cool detail that they're foreshadowing. I also think that although this wasn't the Luke I was expecting, he still ended showing he's one of the most powerful Jedi ever and literally did go out by himself and face down the entire First Order. People love to hate his portrayal in this movie but he went through his own hero's journey over the course of it.