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hi friends!

wooo new show day!

today we are starting firefly with season 1 episode 1 "serenity!" this is my timed reaction!

we're left with many questions that i'm excited to explore!

EDIT: still waiting on edited version from my editor! will be up asap <3


Dan Dedrick

So happy to see you start this series, Emme! One of my all time favorites. The show was actually cancelled partway through this first season, so it ends with 14 episodes but there was planned to be quite a bit more. But the cast and crew were able to make a movie called Serenity a few years after the show ended to try and tie up some of the plot lines that weren't able to be solved due to the cancellation. I hope you come to enjoy all the characters as much as a lot of us fans do. But yes, some of them (mainly Jayne) can rub people the wrong way more times than not. While definitely crude and downright despicable at times as well, Jayne's occasional humorous moments can help soften his hard exterior.


Glad to see you checking out this show! It's a great cast and these characters just grow on you so much with every episode. As for the Chinese, the Alliance was formed from the two remaining global superpowers from Earth-That-Was, which were the USA and China. As a result, everyone, from the lowest street criminal to the wealthiest elite, all know a little Mandarin. Though, the language spoken in the show is heavily accented and drifted considerably from what is currently spoken.


I have waited to start this show until today, so I can watch is with your timed reactions. I am glad I did, don't know if I had stuck to the end if I would have watched it on my own. To be honest, the show has't 'clicked' with me yet, not of the characters feel reel, I don't like to writing (of this episode at least) and the feeling or vibe is 'rubbing me the wrong way'. Can anyone convince me to keep watching?


new show who dis


honestly, i felt similarly from this first episode. ive watched the second one now and it was a LOT better. i agreed that the characters in this first episode just felt flat and almost stereotypical? i'm not sure if that's how you meant with your feelings too but i chalk it up to the time of the production, and they just wanted to establish their characters fast and strong.

Josh McInnes

They also used Mandarin so the characters could curse on live TV without being rated R or MA. Also, good eye Emme, that was Crowley from Supernatural; just about a decade younger here.

Ian Forbes

So excited for the Firefly journey! Others have pretty much covered things but to let you know about a “Crazy Ivan”, from the movie “The Hunt for Red October”, the term is derived from Soviet submarine captains suddenly pulling a u-turn to check for others following them (the cavitation noise created by propellers make sonar a bit blind/deaf behind the boat).


Thanks for your response Emme, I will wait on your times reaction for episode 2. For these kind of unknown shows I prefer to watch the episodes together / with your timed reaction, this give me more context and you have the best reactions, by far imo ;-)

Anders Pettersson

This is an awesome show that screwed. One season was far to little. So many interesting characters that it sure coul'd go on for more