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woohoo!! the day of starting the sequel trilogy is here!

here is my timed reaction to star wars episode vii: the force awakens!

it was so fun to get back to a star wars movie, and so enjoyable to watch!



I am glad to see you also liked this movie. There was a lot of hate when it was first released, specifically from the older generation of star wars fans. I am from the same (older) generation but I love this movie (I think it is my favorite from the sequel movies). Please remember this newest 4 movies (Rogue One, included) where the first ones made without George Lucas in control, so they might feel a bit different in some places and not follow the already set lore 100% of the time. Personally I am glad that since a few years Dave Filoni has got the creative contol of all Star Wars content made, and he still is the 'official' apprentice of George Lucas as he was 'trained' during the Clone Wars series. Can't wait on your reaction of part VIII.


Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't figure something out right away. Part of the reason people enjoy reactions is the fact that you're unfamiliar, a fish out of water.

David L Pickard

I really am glad you're doing the sequels, I'm a 90's baby but grew up loving the original trilogy thanks to my brother. I love these because they're Star Wars and no one can tell me anything different, they have their flaws but so did the originals. I hope you enjoy them and looking forward to the rest : )


Starkiller base is Ilum, the planet where jedi younglings went in Clone wars to get their lightsabers and also where Cal went back to make himself a new one in Fallen Order. In Fallen order you could already see that the Empire was starting to build into the core of the planet. It must have been their plan to do this long before the First Order was created. So with this being the original planet for tons of kyberchrystals, just like the deathstar, the kyber chrystals are the fuel for this weapon.