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hi friends!

sync up your own copy of the show and watch along with me!

here is my timed reaction to what if season 1 episode 4 "what if... doctor strange lost his heart instead of his hands?"

oh my GOLLY this was a SAD and intense episode

thank you for watching with me!



I know it's dark, sad and trippy, but this is my personal favorite episode of the first season of What If... I love the message and it makes me think every time I watch it.

Em McG

this was such a tragic story, I just finished watching. At those musical cues it foretells what's going to happen and already it was painful early on knowing what's coming. This is like the battle with Dormammu that we didn't really see - some say that he had Dormammu trapped in a time loop for centuries, dying every day, no every moment. Didn't he say "pain is an old friend" and here in this episode he went over and over trying to save Christine who knows how many times - and then later he took centuries was it?, absorbing creatures and increasing his power... This... this is not healthy. I don't think I can dedicate this much to master the mystic arts. This is where Stephen leaves us all in the dust. "He was meant to be the best of us..." the Ancient One said to Banner at one point if you remember.