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hi friends!

WOO starting the falcon and the winter soldier today!

here is my edited reaction to the falcon and the winter soldier season 1 episode 1 "new world order!"

bucky and sam are both experiencing pretty big problems, wonder where this show can go!

thank you so much for watching with me!



I like that Sam isn’t fully ready to accept being the next Cap even tho Cap gave it to him but it’s like Batman giving the title to Nightwing. Nightwings already Nightwing his own identity he has to have time to accept the new title if he wants it really. Buckys story is so sad 😭 & id say Bucky looks however old the actor is irl hope he can find a life like Steve did other than fighting all the time


The guy who the Falcon fights at the beginning of the episode is George Batroc, played by Georges Saint-Pierre, a famous MMA fighter. The same character (and actor) fought against Steve Rogers at the beginning of Captain America Winter Soldier on the boat taken by terrorists.