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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to the mandalorian season 3 episode 3 "chapter 19: the convert"

VERY interesting turn this season has taken with the doctor's story! and with bo katan joining our clan!!

thank you for watching with me!



I feel like this is one of the first times you see the New Republic in a really bad light. Its as if the writers are saying that it doesn't matter what regime takes over because there'll always be major incompetence in so many areas no matter what and while very true in real life, I hate seeing it in SW


I thought they showed a "previously on" segment before this episode because I feel like they reminded us that Elia Kane was sorta Mof Gideon's right-hand person on his ship last season. You didn't recognize her so I thought maybe they didn't give you that reminder. Heh, NObody was trusting her during this episode because of that and it seemed pretty obvious that she set him up to, at first I thought to get him back onto his research, but at the end, get rid of loose ends of people specifically linked to Mof Gideon and his plans.


I thought that too! It sort of reminds me of when politics are SO EXTREME the next wave is how the pendulum swings to the opposite side of EXTREME and it can never find a balance